View Full Version : New and looking for advice

07-19-2011, 03:54 PM
Let me start by saying that I am a 36 year old male and overweight. I have always had what I call social anxiety. What I mean by that is I don't like being around new people or unfamiliar places, I hated to get in front of the class when in school to the point I would fake sick to get out of it. Constantly worry about money and always think the worse about everything.

Well last Wednesday I was told at work that the business is not doing so good and they don't know how long they will make it. This caused me some concern but I thought I took it pretty good. Thursday I noticed a pain in my chest and of course I thought the worse and immediately thought heart attack. I calmed down and went about the next couple of days with this chest pain coming and going. So I get on the internet and read about chest pain and this makes things worse. I immediately think I Have Angina or some other heart problem and I get real anxious but manage to calm down after an hour or so. So today I went to my doctor and explained things to him and he says he thinks its anxiety but ordered an EKG to be safe. So after the EKG he comes back in the room and says everything is normal other then my pulse is 120 beats per minute which he says is high. SO he asks me if my heart always races and I said not that I am aware of. So he prescribes celexa 40mg once a day and tells me to come back in 2 weeks.

My question to the forum members is does this sound like anxiety are there any others who have a elevated heart rate? I went to the doctor thinking it would help ease the anxiety but now I am worried about the elevated heart rate. Anyone used celexa for anxiety have any positive results.

07-20-2011, 09:59 AM
i to thought i had a heart attack more than i can remember i called the ambulance twice in the last couple years due to my crippling anxiety, then i started getting missed heart beats didn't find out until later that they were palpatations, i had an echo, stress test, 24hr holter monitor all came back benign thank god although when i went to get my stress test done my HR was at 110 i am 26 6'1 195lbs not sure if thats overweight or not lol, elevated heart rate is MOST DEFINITELY a symptom of anxiety. hope this eases your mind. Also my doc told me that with anxiety/stress your stomach produces more acid which can result in chest pain/ heartburn/ abdominal pain.