View Full Version : Slightly higher levels of Cholesterol!!! My anxiety is freaking me!!!

07-19-2011, 10:12 AM

Just had my blood test done after a year & my report are showing a slightly higher level of Total Cholesterol at 223 mg/dl also my LDL levels have shot up to 153 mg/dl, its not alarmingly high but at moderate Risk levels is what my doc told me, i am very careful with my diet as to what i eat but sometimes gorge in junk foods.

Also my Blood ESR levels is high at 40 mm/hr (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) there is also some proteins trace found in my urine, but all other microscopic examinations are normal, by doc told me this is not alarming at all and does not indicate Some sort of kidney issue as sometimes the kidney does produce little extra proteins which get released in the urine.

All other test of Blood, Liver function tests and Diabetes tests are all normal

My heart started racing when i saw these results esp for the Cholesterol & Urine test...i was finding it very tough to console myself and say that its not alarmingly high & can easily be controlled, the anxiety is just trying to create more negative thoughts and fear me,

I am suffering from anxiety disorder from nearly 1 and half years, and my test done a year back were all normal, just these little change in test results have hightened my anxiety,

Does having anxiety disorder raise these levels, as cholesterol build up is also related to stress, and during anxiety the body always feels stressed out and tired even when there is nothing to worry about. also i do have work and little financial stress, which sometimes adds up to my anxiety, but i have controlled it very easily, but these slightly negative results are freaking me out, Damn i hate this anxiety disorder. as lot of people have Cholesterol over 240 mg/dl and even higher LDL levels, but are so cool with it and say i can easily get these levels down, but for me an anxiety sufferer, it presently feels like a herculean task, i know its easily manageable but my Anxiety is just trying to put me down and more down:(:(:(

Does anxiety related stress leads to high cholesterol levels, and Blood ESR levels, Has anybody else gone through this and if yes then how did you normalize this, exercise and a better diets is what my doc has told me, also i walk & jog but sometimes once or twice a week for 30 mins not everyday.

Hope i get out of the negative thinking soon, work hard with my diet and get my levels down soon.


07-19-2011, 02:01 PM
Hello there,

My name is Simon Chittenden and I believe that I may be able to help you. I do not know the finer details of your personal circumstances and I do not claim to be the authority on all things anxiety related. What I do know from personal experience is that everybody who struggles to live with anxiety can often feel quite isolated and alone. You might even feel that you have nobody to turn to, or that the people around you don’t quite understand how you feel. This in itself can become very frightening and if it wasn’t for the support of the people around me, I do not know how I would cope with my own anxiety as well as I do.

You must remember at all times that you are not alone in all of this. A large number of people all over the world are living with the same things that you are and you must have faith that your circumstances will improve. Can I promise that it will go away completely? Unfortunately not, my journey has so far lasted 3 years and I’m still no closer to discovering the solution to the problem despite numerous attempts.

What I can offer you is a chance to find out for yourself that you are not alone in your struggle. Please visit my blog at simonanxietyandme.blogspot.com to find out how I live my life alongside my anxiety.

Hopefully it will be of some help to you.

Please feel free to contact me via the blog with any questions you may have and I will do my best to help in any way that I can. I know it’s tough, but you can learn to cope with anxiety like I have.

Simon Chittenden x

07-20-2011, 12:16 AM
Hi Simon Chittenden,

Read your blog, thank you for the good write up, I have tried some of the stuff you have written in your blog, some helped a bit some did not, Linden Method was the most helpful in making me understand the core issues of anxiety and how it deal with it and dis-empower anxiety when it strikes back. but my sensations keep returning after few days or months,

But as soon as i am on to something new, i feel great, Again at the end of it i am back to square one!!!! All i want is a miracle to control my sick sensations now!!!! Hope god is listening!!!

07-20-2011, 08:42 AM
have you tried any natural ways to help lower it, knowing that would be freaking me out majorly so you are not alone there. I have not had blood drawn in 11 years mostly because i have an extreme fear of needles and also what someone might find here is a link of some foods that may help

Garlic (real)
Eat seven to 10 walnuts or almonds per day
Eat oily cold-water fish such as salmon or tuna for its heart-healthy fats.
Sprinkle ground flaxseedson your cereal or salads or include in recipes for a delicious nutty flavour and a number of health benefits. Studies have shown consumption of flaxseeds to lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.
atmeal offers high levels of dietary fibre, which has been shown to be beneficial in lowering cholesterol in over 40 studies. Oat fibre mixes with cholesterol in the small intestine and "mops up" excess cholesterol so that it is carried out of the body instead of being absorbed by the blood.
Studies show that 25 grams of soy protein per day can help to lower cholesterol and play a part in heart health.
Beans contain soluble fibre that helps to optimize digestion and keep weight and cholesterol down. Add them to a salad or enjoy bean veggie patties instead of a regular beef burger.

that was all C&P from a reliable website

07-20-2011, 11:33 PM
Thanx guys for your great info,

I already am having walnuts and oatmeal everyday from past more then 1 year, my HDL levels are great only my Total cholesterol and LDL levels have shot up, i asked my doc and she told me that my high body stress caused due to high anxiety and constant release of cortisol in the blood stream could be the reason behind it, so this freaked me out, But she told me its not alarming, and i need to get down my stress levels and need to stop the constant adrenaline release, and this will get me back on track, so my doc has given me a very lowest dose of Serta and clonazapem, i had it yesterday and already had a good sleep, which i had lost from past week, i am already feeling great, will get back to my healthy eating habits and exercise everyday soon, that should solve my problem.

