View Full Version : Not Eating and Dropping Weight. Help!!!!!!!!!!

07-18-2011, 12:14 PM
I have been really stressed out over my health and worried sick (literally) I had some tests and so far everything has come back ok. Problem is during this time I have had to force myself to eat. I have lost 8 lbs in about a month. Now I am to the point that looking at food truly makes me sick. I can't hardly even force it down. I have no appetite and doctor doesn't appear to be worried. I went to doctor today.. I am really worried about losing the weight and want to get my appetite back and feel normal Please does anyone have any ideas?

07-18-2011, 02:48 PM
When I get anxious, I tend to stop eating too. Now, I've never lost my appetite to the extend that you have, but I can offer you some tips (what I do to get through the days where even the thought of food makes you feel sick).

First of all, you know that you're worried about your health, so you need to convince yourself that eating will help you maintain good health. Your tests coming back okay should help you to know that you're just fine- but you WILL NOT be fine if you don't start taking in some nutrients. You've got it all backwards right now, you're worried sick about your health, but you're making it even worse by not taking care of your health.

So here's what I do. First of all, make sure you're at least drinking water or Gatorade. Introduce food slowly back into your daily routine. If you can't stomach a full breakfast, then make yourself extremely small portions of food and try to eat some of it. Don't put a large plate of food in front of you because that might make you feel nauseous. What I did was at like 10-11 am I would make sure to nibble on some pretzels, something small. Get some small food items (pretzels, little slices of fruit, crackers) and put them out for yourself in small quantities. By having these small quantities you'll avoid the overwhelming idea of eating an entire plate of food- and these small portions might just jump-start your appetite.

If you continue to worry about getting your appetite back, you're going to prolong not having an appetite. Just know that you cannot live without food, and your body needs it. Your body will take food when YOU allow it to. Like I said, introduce food slowly and in small portions. Convince yourself that you need food.

07-18-2011, 03:20 PM
Also try soup, I had the same problem and couldnt eat for weeks at a time, I started having cup-a-soups and when i first started i could only manage halp a cup, and then slowly increased it, and have been eating well for about 3 weeks now. I hope you are feeling better :-(

07-18-2011, 04:17 PM
Same here. I think I am at a plateau now that I am eating "better". I had lost 30 pounds due to my anxiety. I have gained a couple of pounds back now. I know exactly how you feel. I needed to lose a little weight but certainly not this way and certainly not this much!!! That has led to a whole new anxiety...over my weight loss and not eating. It's a never ending story!! Good luck to you and just know that you are not alone.