View Full Version : How long does theesdrass last on our bodies?

07-16-2011, 08:55 PM
Hello all, I recently had a horrible anxiety/ panic attacks that lasted for every single day and night for four weeks straight. I didn't feel like myself and I was/am scared. I started getting all these symptoms and the hypochondriac in me looked up everything. I spent all day and night doing this and couldn't sleep, eat, or interact with anyone. I have 3 young kids so this started depressing me horribly that I was not who I was only a few weeks prior. I've started looking at all the symptoms of anxiety and panic from tingling to vibrating in the body and twitching and spasms. Which is what I am having. I am so scared I have something else that I'm getting an MRI and now that is all I'm stressing about although my main anxiety and panic have subsided and I can eat and interact now. But still have all this MRI and scared of MS or some other brain thing that it's always there in the back of my mind. My question is even when you do not feel as though you are having an actual attack, how long can the affects last on your body? I havent had an actual attack since Thursday. Would my body still have these weird feelings lingering around? Vibrating in foot, tingling in arms and scalp?? Please any advice will be grateful. Thank you!

07-17-2011, 04:14 AM
Dear Okiemom,

Sorry to hear about your worries.

I'm glad you're getting yourself checked out physically, though. At least that'll put one of your worries out of your mind. I say that, because it's only by doing that you can know whether your symptoms are caused just by anxiety.

I can understand why you are worried about the feelings you still have after your last bad attack, how long they'll last and what you do about them.

I believe we have to live with our anxious feelings to some degree. How long these attacks last can vary, but for me, to know that the body always wants to bring itself back into balance, and has methods to do that is a great help.

People who know more that me can tell you about relaxation techniques that work for them. You sound as if you have a really busy life, so I know that relaxation won't necessarily be easy. You have to look after yourself, though, in order to care for everyone else.

Take care

07-17-2011, 09:51 AM
I was thinking this same thing Kev, but sometimes it's so hard to chalk it up to anxiety especially now that I don't actually feel I'm having an attack. I know the lingering anxiety is still there because I'm worried about the MRI tomorrow. I keep this "shaky, vibrating type" feeling in my upper arms and my skin sometimes feels like it's burning in areas. My scalp has this same feeling. I still have twitches in my left hand and spasms here and there and what feels like needles poking me in random areas. Oh how I pray that it is all just from anxiety because then I can deal with it and know this is what it is and nothing else. Before my 4 week straight panic/anxiety I had had the tingling in my scalp here and there and of course fatigue but nothing else like what I am having now. I just had a c section 4 months ago and have a 4, 2, and now 4 month old and my husband works long long hours so I chalked fatigue up to that because I do not get a good nights sleep. *SIGH* I know I am rambling..just feeling anxious. I just started on klonopin, my Dr said I could take it as needed. But sometimes I'm unsure when I should take it. Should I take it now since I'm nervous and anxious about tomorrows MRI? Or should I wait? I get confused because I dont want to go into a full blown anxiety attack, but I dont want to take this pill every time I get nervous about something,

07-17-2011, 09:53 AM
Thank you, it is always nice to communicate with people that understand how you feel.