View Full Version : Brain lag

11-06-2006, 11:42 AM
Ive been dealing with those anxiety for a while now, and not doubt, its a bitch. I just started to notice something and i dont know if its a symptom. I feel that im having brain lag to an extent. Its like I turn my head to a clock but it takes abnormally long for me to fully receive the information from my eyes. Maybe im just looking into to it to much or lack of sleep. Anyone notice something similar?

11-13-2006, 04:09 PM
I have had symptoms like this also... the one thing you have to remember about anxiety is that it can manifest itelf in ANY way it wants... therefore, someone might not be able to relate to your exact symptoms but they probably have symptoms you never felt either. The first thing to do is get seen by a professional for any physical reasons this might be happening, when and if nothing is found you have to understand and accept the fact that its anxiety and then you will start your recovery.

Be very careful if your doc prescribes SSRI medication, they hand these out like candy when a simple low level benzo would be more than enough.

11-13-2006, 04:14 PM
omg, so weird, this has happend to me a few times to and I thought it was lack of sleep... wow so weird someone else knows where im comming from, its kinda scary isnt it?

11-13-2006, 09:05 PM
I have the same thing happen. I used to have myself convinced that when this happened, I was going to have a stroke..but no, they come and go on a daily basis. Scary when it happens though, I understand.