View Full Version : This is not what i wanted.

07-15-2011, 06:57 PM
First off i'll say i never thought id end up on this website. I thought maybe somhow i could deal with the mountain like build up of issues i got but after trying to get others to understand what im going through (without success) i guess i just really need to talk to people who wont just laugh and say man up, that really annoys me.

I suppose i need to talk to people who understand just what its really like living with your demons day to day.

07-17-2011, 08:36 AM
Welcome :)

When ever you have those moments pop on here and talk it always helps...and i hate it when your trying to explain to people your having an anxiety attack and thier like 'what do you mean? What are you anxious about? Your life is perfect, chill out'- its like dude i know this i dont ask to feel like this lol...yeah i really enjoy getting hot flushes, jittering like a rattle snake and think im going mad..hahaha

Anyway were all here to listen and give advice...have you had any treatment, tried meditation?

Im not on any anti depressants or anything im trying to battle it naturally it's hard though hey.

Hope your having a great weekend :)

07-17-2011, 02:29 PM
Thanks for the warm welcomes ^_^

I needed a place where i could share what i was feeling about it without been called stupid. Another forum i was on during a difficult time i tried to talk to people about it but they ended up just saying man the hell up and get over it ¬_¬ i hate that line.

Its not somthing i choose and its not somthing i can turn on and off like a switch.
I developed it over two or three years ago. But i think it might have started before that but i didnt understand it back then.

The big attack happened over a year ago, it was so bad and such a shock to the system that ive felt different ever since. It was like my body thought i had died or somthing lol i felt out of place within my own body like i didnt fit right in it anymore.
Since then ive had to force myself to get used to all the things related to the anxiety attack such as going out, seeing friends, because everytime i even thought about doing any of that stuff the feeling would return and id start to feel sick.

Unfortunettly my parents dont beleive in this kind of stuff so i cant talk to them about it. And im more of a work through it without medication kind of person too.
I dont mind been tough on myself about it but somtimes i just need others to talk about it too. I also suffer from bouts of depression which can get bad at times. Most of the time i just wait it out due to having nobody around who understands what im talking about.

I also feel alittles stupid, i read how people develop these problems from real issues but ive been raised with love, care and constant support in a stable enviroment but i still developed these issues. I kinda feel that i dont have the right to suffer or complain about these things.

07-17-2011, 04:36 PM
Hi Atomic! Yes i remember exactly when I had my first "BIG ATTACK." At times it seems as though things will never go back to normal, and that now we have been bitten by this huge anxiety bug. When I get down I always seem to think back to "pre anxiety" points in my life where everything seemed different. However, I think this is one of the tricks of anxiety, similar to mental lies that you yourself actually believe. Although you probably don't realize it now, anxiety may turn out to be a good thing. For me, it has made me more compassionate to others. Please post if there is anything else you need to talk about, it seems as though we have similar situations!