View Full Version : I am having difficulty dealing with the idea of going back to school

07-15-2011, 05:10 AM
I go back to school in a few days, and I am really stressing out about it.
School is a big part of my anxiety (especially one of my teachers, Ashley) and sometimes I get so panicked before going to school that I vomit, collapse, have difficulty breathing/hives.
It all pretty much revolves around that one teacher Ashley, and she is a full time teacher at my school. (we are a small school, I am one of 4 in my year)
I have been trying to forget about having to go back to school the entire 2-week break, but now it is finally setting in that I have to go back to that place. and I am kind of freaking out about it.

Do you have any tips on keeping calm and trying to make this seem like less of a big deal? I have sleep issues and really don't need this :rolleyes:

07-15-2011, 06:22 AM
Dear Nutmeg,

For me, keeping calm can sometimes be achieved by forcing myself to breathe normally. I know by hyperventillating I can cause all sorts of anxiety symptoms.

As for having worries that prevent you from sleeping, I feel for you. I sometimes find that rationalising what is happening and my responses to it during the daytime gives me less worries at night.

I think you feel helpless in your situation, and I know you feel as if you have no control. However, knowledge is control sometimes.

You say you feel the most anxiety before you go to school. Does that mean that once you get to school the anxiety symptoms have lessened a bit? If that's the case, it's because we have hormones that cause anxiety then later other homones will come and calm you again. It just takes time. You are in control there.

Your responses to a teacher are your responsibility too. A good teacher is not one who can make a student feel negatively towards them, and other people may come to know that. So try to focus your attention on the teachers you think are good.

I know you're aware of how important school is. Don't let one teacher interfere with that and if it helps to write here, let us know how things are going for you. You'll get plenty of support

Take care.