View Full Version : Anxiety at night time...

07-14-2011, 10:11 PM
Hi All,

I hope your all coping with your anxiety ok...

I have had my anxiety pop up this year it's been about 5 months now since getting it all the time. I had a rough start of the year I was made redundant, had surgery for an existing ovary problem (it's all good now I am healthy :), I had a break up and I have moved around 3 times and I am about to start my 3rd job this year (fingers crossed I will be on my dream path again)...

Since all of the above happened I have experienced the most traumatic anxiety it started really bad 5 months ago after I was made redundant - where I had the jitters, I couldn't sleep, I was pacing, cold sweats, insomnia, frequent running to the toilet, flared up food allergies, you name it I couldn't even get through a day at work I would just feel like raging? - This went on for days on end...

Recently I changed my life... I try and do something about the way I feel all the time, so I have moved out, I have started meditation and really trying to get my life back on track....But I am still getting anxiety the same time everynight, I feel scared, alone, depressed, jittery, worried about my future and what I have become..Then the old feelings and memories from 5 months ago come back and I hate it - I do try and centre myself and get those thoughts out of my head and I am ok but I still remain jittery and agitated...

Everyone is saying I have put myself into a vicous cycle, because it's re occurent day after day at the same time...How do I get myself out of it?..I have tried everything going out with friends when I know it comes on, go for a run, watch tv? - I had a mini break down last night thinking this is never going to end...

I know my problems are not that bad and I am a lucky person who is lucky to be here but I guess I am wanting to hear some peoples stories and how they got through it....Or have any thoughts or advice for me on my situation...

I hope you all find a journey to be anxiety free xox Peace, love and light :)

07-15-2011, 08:22 PM
Hey...just thought I would say hi and that I understand the night anxiety. I used to wake up with it for a short time myself. I took some advice from a friend and got busy with life and removed myself from any and all immoral situations that I was knowingly involved in and in a short time it went away. I hope things look up for you soon. Write back if u want and we can chat!

07-17-2011, 08:29 AM
Hey guys thank you for your posts im having a good run this weekend i took the advice and stayed out all weekend woke up early went for breakfast, slept at a friends just did some downtown doing something different and feeding the soul....positivity is such a wonderful thing im going to try and ride this wave for as long as i can....

Forwells your words couldnt be more spot on yes like the woman waiting for her husband to come home thats similar...i guess its getting out of the habit....

Jsay 31 lets have a chat pm me..

Peace and light all x

07-19-2011, 02:03 PM
Hello there,

My name is Simon Chittenden and I believe that I may be able to help you. I do not know the finer details of your personal circumstances and I do not claim to be the authority on all things anxiety related. What I do know from personal experience is that everybody who struggles to live with anxiety can often feel quite isolated and alone. You might even feel that you have nobody to turn to, or that the people around you don’t quite understand how you feel. This in itself can become very frightening and if it wasn’t for the support of the people around me, I do not know how I would cope with my own anxiety as well as I do.

You must remember at all times that you are not alone in all of this. A large number of people all over the world are living with the same things that you are and you must have faith that your circumstances will improve. Can I promise that it will go away completely? Unfortunately not, my journey has so far lasted 3 years and I’m still no closer to discovering the solution to the problem despite numerous attempts.

What I can offer you is a chance to find out for yourself that you are not alone in your struggle. Please visit my blog at simonanxietyandme.blogspot.com to find out how I live my life alongside my anxiety.

Hopefully it will be of some help to you.

Please feel free to contact me via the blog with any questions you may have and I will do my best to help in any way that I can. I know it’s tough, but you can learn to cope with anxiety like I have.

Simon Chittenden x