View Full Version : New to this forum

07-14-2011, 12:55 PM

I found this site recently and it has been very comforting knowing I'm not the only one with anxiety.

I have issues with 3d movies that cause me to have heart palpitations, etc. Well at the end of April, I went to watch an IMAX movie and never thought it would affect me like 3d movies do but it did. My mother and I immediately left the movie.

We were in a different city and were going home that day so we went to eat and then headed back to our city which is 60 miles away. As we were eating, I continued having heart palpitations. I know I was becoming very anxious since we weren't in our city. I've always been a worrier so this just made it worst.

I didn't drive home, my mother did. About mid way, I really started freaking out, even more so as we crossed a bridge that is 18 miles long. The feeling that I wasn't close to a hospital and was no where near my house made it even worst. My mom had to pull over so I could have my first every panic attack. I literally thought I was dying of a heart attack.

We finally arrived home and for the next days, I constantly wanted to go to the hospital because I just knew I was dying! I had heart palpitations (which I usually get every once and a while, I just always ignored them), dizziness, feeling of warmth, etc. I knew it was anxiety but I was convincing myself it was something more serious.

Anyway, it eventually got better. I sill, however, have issues with anxiety. I feel as if I will never go back to what I used to be like. I blame that stupid movie for making me crazy. lol. I have good days with no anxiety but I always go back to it and it comes on with no warning.

I'm always stressed but my husband was in Iraq for a year and I never had issues with anxiety. I've tried calming myself down just by telling myself it's just anxiety not heart issues but that doesn't seem to work. I think if I actually went to the doctor and had him tell me there was nothing wrong with my heart, then I would feel much better..

Sorry this is so long but I needed to get this out! Thanks for reading, if you made it this far!! :)