View Full Version : Freaking out and having panic attacks again

07-14-2011, 10:29 AM
I haven't had one in like two weeks. I went to the ER for headaches a few months ago and one of the nurses noticed that my pupils are two different sizes (something that no one has ever mentioned to me before, so i can't be sure if they've always been like that). They did a CT scan and said that it "looked great" and sent me home. Two days ago I went to the Optometrist. She dilated my pupils with those drops, did pressure tests, and tested my pupils reaction and said that she didn't see anything at all that should cause me any worry. But just to be safe she wants me to go see a Neuro-Opthamologist.

Basically, I just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced their pupils changing as a result of anxiety/panic attacks, or has heard of anything like that happening? It's very hard for me to not completely panic over this even though she told me that I shouldn't be worrying. Everything I see online about developing this later in life seems really bad and it's all I've been thinking about.
Help, please.