View Full Version : BAD HEAlTH

07-13-2011, 07:46 PM
I have always been a healthy person and been very active. Recently, i have had several panic type attacks and have also been feeling bad bodily. I have a faster than normal heartbeat for some unknown reason....I thought I gave myself a hernia at the gym, and I've had a cold and just generally felt like I was falling apart. I usually don't have any health problems. I was really worried about a hernia for awhile there. I knew i would have to get surgery to fix it if I did have one. I thought I'd be out of work for weeks and couldn't do anything. I really like to work out so that would really suck. I have really had a lot of anxiety over this and thought about it night and day. I was reallly bummed out about it. I was carefull for awhile what I lifted and did so that I didn't make things any worse. I now don't really think I have a hernia anymore but that maybe it was just a pulled muscle. I felt a twinge one day while working out and thought it was a hernia. My anxiety over this has lessened quite a bit and I think I am ok now. My heart rate on the other hand still does give me some anxiety. It is faster than normal. I don't know what could be causing this. When I am active working and moving heavy stuff, it is just beating away really fast. I usually have a heart rate of about 60 per minute but now it's up around 80 or so. I have no real pain in my chest....only slight sensations from time to time is all...which I atribute to anxiety...not really any heart problems. This does keep me worried though. I usually wont tax myself to much cuz I don't want to aggrevate anything. anyway...we'll see what happens.

07-13-2011, 09:31 PM
Maybe your doctor could perform a quick EKG for you, then that way you will know that your heart is fine, and that it is all from anxiety. Once you can accept that it is just anxiety, i have found it much easier to ignore, and dont get stressed by the fast heart rate or chest pains anymore. I know how you feel with regard to exercise, i really miss it, and am slowly trying to get back to it like i was before. Panic attacks cause you to feel a bit off, the same as anxiety can, so rest assured you are not alone, and you will be okay. Maybe even try some meditation.
Good Luck :-)