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07-12-2011, 07:08 PM
not geting much help on this site since i did a welcome post and one on general discussion. could really use sombody to talk to ,cant do this alone because im scared and have nobody

07-13-2011, 01:09 AM
Hi Anna, I am here to help of you need to talk and will be happy to give you anything i could help with x

07-14-2011, 04:50 PM
dont know wot to do :( panic attacks have gone its just the anxciety attacks but there no were near as bad just scared about my chest pain even thou i had a x-ray, just painfull shooting pains every were but i think its still anxciety but im still not sure!!im still allways short of breath , im not sleeping till gone 4 in the morning then finally dropping of, i refuse medication as i feel it makes me worse !! as im axcious about taking the tablets also im ver sensitive !! i cry alot when i get home from meeting with friends thinking how perfect there life is at the same age at me wich is 19 !! for exsample they have ....JOB,MONEY,A CAR,BOYFRIEND,HOLIDAYS,HAPPY FAMILY WITH NO ARGUING, SETTLED DOWN IN THERE OWN PLACE. !! why not me? ive tried and tried ,, yeah ok i was abit selfish at the age of 17 who wasnt but now nothings goin right at all, cant find a job ive applied loads, no money, i got abused by my ex boyfriend, then my boyfriend after died in afganistan at the age of 18... all my family like my sister mum ect all are normal and im the odd one out !! i need to sort my life out and im trying but im not coping well with feeling the way i do , and everyone calls me a hyporcondriact when they have no idear what im feeling just want it all to go away

07-16-2011, 03:52 PM
i have got a packet of st johns wort, but are u sure there good? my mum brought me a pack they were about 10 pounds something!! i also have a tub of cod,liver and oil omega 3 capsules? anygood? ive started doin breathing exsersizes through out the day wen im feeling short of breath i breath in through my nose pushing my tummy out and hold for 4 secs then breath out slowly for 7 secs it dose help abit, i also downloaded the anxiety slayer procast of i-tunes for free thats got alot of stuff on it!! i also have the lindens method downloaded i might try that soon, i just give up really easily i supose :/ xxx

07-16-2011, 05:03 PM
Anna, I found Linden is very helpful! Do it everyday though. And click on Forwells name and read every post he's written---if you listen to him, you'll be just fine. I'm a counselor and I think he's amazingly accurate and extremely helpful.

07-16-2011, 06:22 PM
i will try but i never stick to anythin i allways give up :( !! i need sombody to make me a list and send through email so i can print out like a daily routeen or somthing!! i will look now !! xx

07-19-2011, 06:38 PM
thanks hunxx