View Full Version : Can you all tell me what's wrong?

07-11-2011, 02:51 PM
I guess it's anxiety, but if i have a anxiety attack and i'm trying to calm now, i can't get completely calm down, it's like you're getting ready to do a speech or something and you got that tightness in your throat and can't sorta breath and then when right after the speech you start feeling better and can breath, that's the way i do but instead of feeling better it doesn't only when i go to bed at night and after i've been sleeping i feel better but if i start thinking about it and get that dread like say of a morning when i get up, it'll start again. i figured i've got a lot of stress and my body is so tense that i can't get myself completely calmed down, it's not real bad, it's enough to get you down emotionally and you don't feel like doing anything. Does anybody have the same problem? I wish i could explain it better.

07-11-2011, 05:52 PM
I dont have this problem but I go through the whole breathing thing, and it does take some relaxing and it sounds like the only way you can relax fully from it is by sleeping. Find something to do that reaaally relaxes you, lay on the sofa watching tv and forget about what your feeling, find some breathing exercises to practice while doing this.

07-11-2011, 06:39 PM
I dont have this problem but I go through the whole breathing thing, and it does take some relaxing and it sounds like the only way you can relax fully from it is by sleeping. Find something to do that reaaally relaxes you, lay on the sofa watching tv and forget about what your feeling, find some breathing exercises to practice while doing this.

Thank you so much for replying. i try to get my mind off of it, but it's hard, i've always had that problem dwelling on things. I do watch tv, but then i go back to myself, i know i make myself miserable and i get so mad. But i'll try and do them things what you said and once again thank you for replying. Hopefully somebody will reply with the same problem, i feel like i'm the only one with this.

07-11-2011, 08:05 PM
I am like this too, I have a real problem feeling totally relaxed, like i am constantly on edge, even after i have calmed down after a panic attack. Meditation seems to help a bit, i tried some guided anxiety meditations on you tube and found they helped just to relax my muscles and also to get a feeling of being more relaxed and helps with the breathing exercises. Distraction is great for this as well, i try anoything to ditract myself from worrying about anxiety or anything else I am worreid about.

07-11-2011, 08:11 PM
I'm exactly the same except i have really severe anxiety and feel like this almost all day every day :( ! I often feel down and miserable for no reason but distracting yourself if a good idea :) Exercising (even if it's just going for a short walk) can release feel-good chemicals in your brain which will make you happier or try doing something to challenge yourself. Eg) I was feeling really down and had no energy the other week so i decided to get up off the couch and teach myself a dance routine, the exercise made me feel really good and i felt even better when i learnt it becauseit was difficult and I didn't think i could do it. Practising skills is a good distraction and will make you a lot more confident and less prone to anxiety attacks, making the symptoms will disappear :)
Hope this helps;
Marzy <3

07-12-2011, 10:18 AM
I'm am so glad i'm not the only one like this, i felt like i was. When i go through this, it makes me more depressed and always thinking about the anxiety and i can't relax to feel better, i'll go to bed at night and actually can sleep some but everytime i wake up i start thinking about it and i get that dread feeling and it starts again, i get so mad and i cry too. i'll check that out on youtube and try it. Thanks so much for replying it helps alot.

07-12-2011, 10:36 AM
Thank you also Marzy, i'm so glad that i'm not the only one like this. How long have you had it? i've had anxiety attacks since 1993, it seem like i do things different all the time. i need to start walking again, that's probably my problem and eating to much sweet stuff, i use to walk all the time but now i don't feel like it. i do myself don't have no energy and down at times. I'm 47 and i believe i'm going thru the change, i get irritable, cry alot, frustrated, every once in a while get one of them hot flashes, electric shocks under my skin, late periods, short periods, etc. Its hard to get your mind off of it, i try thinking about other things but i go back thinking about it again, dumb me!

07-12-2011, 10:58 AM
I'm am so glad i'm not the only one like this, i felt like i was. When i go through this, it makes me more depressed and always thinking about the anxiety and i can't relax to feel better, i'll go to bed at night and actually can sleep some but everytime i wake up i start thinking about it and i get that dread feeling and it starts again, i get so mad and i cry too. i'll check that out on youtube and try it. Thanks so much for replying it helps alot.

07-12-2011, 04:38 PM
Wow, that's a very long time. I was born in 1994 so i find it hard to imagine that you've been suffering from it for that long, though I've only been suffering for the past couple of years. And i understand how hard it is to forget about it, usually i get harmless anxiety symptoms such as shortness of breath, electric shock feeling, chest and arm pains which make it worse as they make me even more anxious, however I have started seeing a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist which is helping me a lot because talking about these things helps come up with a solution to put an end to the anxiety, and the symptoms it causes. Visit your doctor and ask for their refferal for you to see a therapist, as it is one of the best ways to cure anxiety instead of just cover it up and suffer from it :)

07-14-2011, 06:22 AM
hi im like it to ive had probably for about 4 years but recentley i had a big panic attack and from then on i was a mess. I get that feeling when u wake up like a big knot in your stomach like you have a big interview that day its horrible i have recentley had a baby and my doc told me hormonal changes can increase anxiety which is why im suddenley so bad so if you are going through the change that could be a factor in it. I no people say steer away from meds but they can really help you calm down while you seek other help. Ive had one session of cbt and got another one soon,ive also been going to counsling and i feel so much better now still have off days but im managing! lots of people go through this you need to fight it all the way and you will feel better.