View Full Version : Finally know whats wrong with me

07-11-2011, 03:55 AM
hey all

i have finally figured out whats wrong with me
i am fearing the way i feel and im still fearing anxiety

so basically i will have a feeling come on, usually a feeling of sadness
i will then worry about/fear this which then resulting im my anxiety increasing
then leading my you woory about the anxiety cus i fear it
a few days later my anxiety will drop and i will have days of normality (usually a week)
then another feeling will come on and this starts all over again

i know i souldnt fear anxiety, i know the reasons why but i just cant seem to make my mind accept it

as for the fearing the way i feel, i know i should just accept it and let it be there, this i am still practicing

any advice from anyone would be much appreciated

07-11-2011, 04:06 AM
hi, i know EXCATLY what you mean. sometimes, after a few days of feeling normal, you may become afraid that u may become anxious again, and then being anxious about being anxious itself. and at the end, u become anxious due to this fear of being anxious. and the circle continues on and on and on...
then later your mind will become numb and not think about it, then i guess u will start to recover once you understand you shouldnt be afraid of anything at all. Anxiety does nothing but create fearsome feeling and make you believe it, no matter how outrageous the fear is. (from losing control of your body to losing your mind)
Just Hang in there! you will get through it and have a happier life!

07-12-2011, 11:54 AM
Anxiety is cyclical, without a determined effort to end it, it will go as far as you let it. I still fight panic attacks over having previous panic attacks, or previous situations. You have to retrain yourself and the way you view the world, as well as the way the world views you.