View Full Version : back again..........

07-10-2011, 06:54 PM
hello, i have not been on this site for a while as been tryin to deal with it alone, (not worked) could not log into my account for some reason so made a new one , will tell you my story.............

Right im female and im 19 20 this year.. used to be a really happy adventurous person ,had a happy childhood, apart from parents splitting up at age of 6 but carnt remember so hasnt botherd me as such as still see them both,then teenage years was great , didnt do well in school but did my grades again in college and did well.. then i hit the age of 17 were i was getin into pubs ect hanging around with wrong crowds, i was 18 wen this all started, out with a certain *friend* who took drugs when drunk e.g MEOW,FET . i was very drunk one night and thought i t would be *cool* too take it seen as everybody els did , now normally i would be way to scared to even try it as i was against drugs and god know what made me do it, well that night i took meow and the next day i was fine...right ok then the next weekend came and i had meow again but also fet (amphetamin ) < dont no how to spell it, and my heart was going ect came out in a rash eyes massive , i panicked a little, stayed up all night,then i went home and still had no sleep as the drug obviously kept me awake !! so i stayed in the followin night as felt ill ,hungover,no sleep ect, and i suddenly couldnt breath thought i was dying ect mum took me to hostpital then they said ure fine ure having a panic attack, did not tell them i had no sleep or been on drugs as didnt want to disapoint my mum but i told her i must of got spiked!!! now ever since ive been short of breath, had anxciety attacks were i feel smotherd,sweating,tingling,heart pulpitations,bladder problems n water infections) cant keep my arms up for too long as they start to go heavy,chest pain,shooting pains in head,crying for no reason feeling like no one can help me, im alone,family hate me ect! i feel lost :(... kept goin doctors and had chest x-ray and blood taken , results fine, just feel like there is somthing wrong with me and i want it sorted!!!! i refuse medication as they gave me diazapan for panic attaks so i cud sleep, ummm bedronal (beater blocker) cant think of any others but i did not react niceley to them!! just want a simple way of controlling and helping it!! panic attacks are very very rare now with me , im just anxious,short of breath chest pains ect now, and starting to feel i cant go out the house as much !![/FONT]!