View Full Version : Liposuction on the NHS - weight affecting mental health.

07-09-2011, 07:13 PM
So, when I was 12 my father killed himself and I became clinically depressed, and gained a lot of weight.

I am 17 now, and I weigh 21st. I have recovered from depression and have rebuilt my life - but I cannot shift the weight. I have weighed the same - with no fluctuation despite exercise since my depression.

I am healthy, and exercise - but I just cannot shift the weight.

Recently i have been going to a cognitive behavioural therapist because I have developed serious social and health anxiety, and she fears I may be slipping back into depression. Through our sessions, we have basically narrowed down the origin of these problems to my weight.

I explained to her that despite the exercise and diet I force myself to do, I simply remain the same weight. She is working out a diet plan and is still doing the CBT work with me, but she has told me that the way I look, and the way I feel about myself is almost certainly the cause of my recent mental health problems.

Now, I know that the NHS doesn't pay for liposuction unless it is causing the individual serious health/mental issues. I think I can be put in this category, as my weight is still affecting me after numerous attempts to shift it and my healthy lifestyle, it is obviously affecting my mental wellbeing - as it gives me a poor self image, which makes me feel like I will never accomplish anything in life or find love, which gives me (even though i'm ashamed to admit it) thoughts of self harm and suicide. It also exacerbates my health anxiety, and my social anxiety - as I feel like people are constantly staring at my male breasts and laughing at me behind my back.

Could anybody give me some insight as to whether I could request liposuction on the NHS with this defence, and the backing of my CB Therapist? Would it be at all possible?

07-10-2011, 03:11 PM
Sorry to hear about your dad, good to hear your doing better though

Lipo will not help your weight at all, sorry to say, it does not make you skinny, it doesnt last. This rubbish only works for supermodels... I spit at it ¬¬

But with a BMI of 35+ which I feel you will have being that weight, you can ask your doctor about a gastric band/bypass there is a waiting list on the NHS but tell him you want on it.
But you dont even need any surgery, I didnt.
As I used to be big well "bigger" also still not skinny!

Ask your doctor about orlistat, demand that you want it, but you need to follow a proper diet, as anything fatty WILL result in foul oil when you go to the toilet.. and can lead to anal leakage because of the fatty oils. orlistat stops most of the fat being absorbed during digestion, I am on these myself and they work wonders, I was 19 st when I started about 3 and a half years ago( I was 19), and have been taking them on and off since, I now weigh 14 st, but I dont take them constant cause I travel alot, I believe if I took them from first starting til now, I would weigh about 11st !

Also ask your doctor to look in to polycystic ovaries, I have this condition and I found out last year, I could not shift any weight either, and PCOS does this to women with the syndrome.
If you have irregular periods, excess facial hair these are indicators also. A blood test checking your hormones will set off the red light to docs about PCOS then they might perform an ultra sound on your ovaries to check for cysts.

I understand everything your saying about not being able to shift the weight and how it effects you, but it can be done, but unfortunatly you can still feel like a "cow" even when been told how good you look now or "wow youve lost soooo much weight" the self confidence we didnt have from being big, sticks with us still, I have yet to overcome mine as I still feel like I am the same size even though I am smaller, still fat! but smaller lol but I have got alot more confidence and people comment on howmuch happier I seem nowadays orlistat helped me alot, and I feel it will with you even more so as you eat healthy and exercise also I get lazy in that field.

You have the will power that most people who want to lose weight, dont have, so you have everything right! I am betting that orlistat works as well for you as it has me, I am still taking and see results every week, but I am also on medication called metformin for my PCOS and this aids in weight loss also.

Keep away from lipo though ok? it may remove fat.. but thats only surface fat, not the fat around organs and deep inside that cause health problems, thats whats more important, your health not the way you look.

Its a slow process but when you see that lil bit of weight leaving your body you start to get excited and more happy with yourself!

Make yourself proud and your father at the same time.

Best of luck Charlie =)

07-12-2011, 11:45 AM
I worked with a woman who underwent gastric bypass. I am in the states, but I know her insurance covered it, I have no idea about how the medical system in the rest of the world works. She over a period of 9 months, and with her admitting to only trying for about 3 months lost between 90-100lbs. Personally, I would think that the lap band would be both an easier surgery, and have less opportunity for relapse. Either way, liposuction is not what you believe it is. Talk to a doctor about other medical procedures, or the possibility of getting a nutritionist/personal trainer.
One tip: If you drink soda or sugary drinks, replace them with water and teas and things without calories and I bet weight starts melting off. Also, your teeth will thank you in a few years for still being in your mouth :D

07-14-2011, 03:48 AM
Many people feel let down with their weight and thereby lose confidence in oneself. So, for these people it is always better to opt for a liposuction to put down the weight within a short span of time and thereby gain the lost confidence and self-respect.

09-16-2011, 12:01 PM
Yes, it is absolutely true you said. The increase in the body fat and an heavy weight body can decrease down the self-confidence. The liposuction surgery is the best option to remove the fat from the different part of the body. To know about the Lipo surgery just visit to lipoguide.com.