View Full Version : I cant keep doing this

07-09-2011, 08:22 AM
I am literally making myself sick and I cant stop. I had some bowel changes about a month ago went through a colonoscopy and endscopy prior to it had myself convinced I had cancer and couldn't eat for a week before. I had the test and had to wait 2 weeks until yesterday to get biopsy results. Everything was great and I was relieved and not anxious for about 6 hours. I haven't been eating very well still and have lost about 5 lbs my bowels are working right and I found myself on the internet last night thinking that now I have anal cancer and they didn't diagnose it or missed it because of my bowel problem. Now I am sitting here shaking and still dont feel like eating. I can't keep worrying about everything I am desparate to quit. Why CANT I STOP THIS??

07-09-2011, 04:13 PM
If you had anal cancer, it will have been spotted, they are experts in spotting that during the whole procedure.

Stop googling... just stop simple as, it doesnt help ANYONE with anxiety, your doctor will scold you if you told them... they do not like self diagnosis over the internet, and not everything on the internet is right.

If you are not eating right, you wont have proper bowel movements, you need to realise that you are fine, youve had the best test to find any anal/digestive tract disease and you got the all clear. Anxiety does that, you can have a FULL bosy MRI and you will still think they missed something, its normal in sense of anxiety.

Keep telling yourself you are fine, instead of googling symptoms, google food! look at pics and get hungry :p stuff your face afterwards.

5lb is nothing if your not eating right... if you had cancer you would lose ALOT more than that ... trust me, I've known alot of people with cancer, and 5lb isnt a sign.
If you dont eat you will cause damage to yourself, and symptoms of gastric problems will make you worse.

Dont google diseases

Google chocolate cake

Eat junk food that makes you happy

Get out of the house, get a hobby, take your mind off all this. Dont expect it to go off instantly :( it doesnt for anyone