View Full Version : Its taking over my life

07-08-2011, 12:10 AM
I'm a fitness fanatic i'm in the gym I also do martial arts but my panic attacks are getting in the way with my fitness my martial arts my life.This is what happens to me. I could be sitting anywhere and I cant breathe I just cant catch my breathe it feels like I cant get enough oxygen in which then puts me in a state of more panic because I keep trying to get more breathe in my lungs but I just cant. When I work out and I exhaust myslef again I cant breathe or take a full breathe and it puts me in this panic. Now this is what happens when I get one,I get very shaky my voice gets very shallow and I dont want to talk,it has to be very quite I cant be yelled at or talked to in a highly manner way,my body changes its weird. I got hurt very bad at work in 2005 and thats when it started after all the surgeries and pain medication. Sometimes after I take a pain pill I will have a attack and then I have to take my xanax but sometimes that doesnt work and I have to call the ambulance to take me to the ER where they have to shoot 3-4 cc of ativan and then I get relaxed or fall asleep then i'm fine.Tonight I decided to kick box at home after 5 minutes of me kicking the bag I got a attack and couldnt breathe and my wife has to hold my hand and sometimes I can walk these off with her helping me after I take 1MG or more xanax. Tonight I was able to walk it off with my wife and little daughter holding my hand. My little daughter holds so tight because she knows I get these and is so helpful.Please help. I'm a big muscular guy,I have no cardio because of these panic attacks I cant run because I cant get enough air I gas so easy aka no cardio. Ive had blood work heart tests and nothing wrong. I saw the list of side affects I have a bunch of these. What can I do. Am I to heavy in my body weight,is it my pain meds since ive been on them since 2005 I just dont know anymore.Anyone help

07-08-2011, 12:19 AM
I did but stopped coke zero now back to diet pepsi caffene free. Ive only been drinking cokezero for a few months but ive had this anxiety issue for years. I also drink lots of water

07-09-2011, 06:21 PM
Its not the coke zero I havent drank this stuff in for ever. What kind of medication is out there that really helps prevent these attacks. Can it be my weight since i'm a big bodybuilder. Sometimes I can do my kick boxing class and do a intense class and sometimes if I get to fast and my heart gets to high I will go in a panic because I cant get all my breathe in. So most ofd the time I dont even go 75%.does this happen to people if they get there heart rate to high that it will oput them into a panic and cant calm it down and need medicine.Does it happen to people that if there doing nothing and thre next thing you know you cant breathe right and you try to get the breathe in and go into a panic. does your voice or the way you talk change,can long term use of ain meds cause this. Can anyone please offer some help