View Full Version : Fear that it might have BPD???

07-06-2011, 09:19 PM
Anxiety, I know I have, its one of those kind of things you cant just "think" you have, but I am worried that there is actually an underlying mood disorder other than depression. (specifically BP).

First off I would like to know If once people get passed their depression, depersonalization, anxiety, without medications that they bounce back to normal. I ask because after my bout with DP, depression, anxiety I tend to get back to a normal and driven personality. I dont go through a "WILD" phase or get irresponsible, in fact, I often become REALLY level headed and responsible, sometimes become a prick in how responsible I am.

I wonder though if after I go through such a down and then to this mood that I can work productively and find a GREAT balance is actually a hypomatic stage. Even my friends notice a change, but that could be because I was out of my depression.

What do you guys think? Do you start feeling fine or better then fine after comming out of depression, or am I destined to have these swings that get worse and worse?

07-17-2011, 08:08 PM
When i first started having my syntoms i thought it was BPD but i was told it is only Anxiety i am trying to cope but i still am not convinced that is not BP. I can get so depressed all i do is sit around and cry and like you said "bounce back to normal" thats exacly what i do! It can be 5 seconds after or even 5 days after but i always am myself again..

07-19-2011, 09:06 AM
yea, mine is more like a year, or six months that either I go completely without anxiety or have it REALLY bad. That scares me the most is that it comes in the cyclical manor. The good thing is, I dont tend to get off the rocker when Im in my good moods. I am usually WAY more grounded and motivated, I dont usually drink or do drugs when Im feeling this way, or go out partying. Im just in a better state I guess. Idk what a psych would say, im affraid of either being misdiagnosed or under diagnosed, Im afraid of medication but am currently on zoloft, small dose, and clonazapem for those bouts I dont think I can make it through, thats also a low dose and I havent taken it for about a week

Thanks for the reply, Ive been waiting for one for a while