View Full Version : How can I get over this?

07-06-2011, 12:30 PM
I am constantly freaking out about potential health problems and it's ruining my life. I go through phases where I become convinced that I have severe health problems and these "phases" can last for months. Over the last 2 months I have become convinced or concerned I have the following: colon cancer, lymphoma, stomach cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure, kidney failure, brain aneurysm, heart disease/failure and blood clots. Lately my feet have been swelling (not severely, there is no pitting) and my fingernails are opaque ("terry's nails") which has caused severe anxiety to the point of going to the ER 3 times because I was convinced I had some kind of cancer or liver failure. I have had 2 chest x-rays, an abdominal CT scan, abdominal and pelvic ultrasounds and blood work (CBC, CMP, TSH, CRP, and other tests to check damage of my heart, another inflammation test that I can't remember and test checking for blood clots). All of my results are normal (I had a small amt of fatty tissue in my liver, that was the only abnormal result. I have seen an ENT regarding a small lump in my neck, which turned out to be a chronically infected submandibular gland. He was 100% certain it wasn't a lymph node and said I do not have lymphoma. I feel like a complete idiot for worrying about this stuff all the time and I'm sick of this anxiety controlling my life. I can't relax because I am always worried about something. I currently take .5mg of klonopin but it obviously isn't helping. Any advice or thoughts on this?

07-06-2011, 03:12 PM
Firstly, remember you are not alone, When we are anxious, we notice everything about our bodies, and can sometimes think we have something wrong with us the doctors are missing. Take some assurance from the fact that all your tests have come back clear and try and use this when you have a phase or symptom that encourages you to beleive you have an illness or disease. I was like this 6 months ago, and once i finally accepted that I had all the tests done, and there was nothing physically wrong with me, I was able to slowly get through these symptoms by telling myself 'its just my anxiety, and i will be fine'. This really helped and I am never concerened with my symptoms anymore, i just let them happen and go with it, knowing that it happens all the time, and i am always fine after. Maybe another idea would be to try and not google symptoms of these illnesses (i know its hard not to do it) and try to gain some reassurance from some anxiety sites instead. I find if i read something about symptoms of diseases, it makes things a lot worse for me, so i stay away from that, and dont even watch medical shows on tv anymore..lol
I know just how you feel and how frustrated you would be with all this, Have you tried CBT therapy or seeing a psychologist? (mine helps me a lot) and never feel stupid for worrying about this stuff, rest assured there are millions of people the same, and you can overcome this.