View Full Version : Please help. Trying to get off xanax xr .

11-04-2006, 03:59 PM
Hi all,
I am a 22 year old male and I have had anxiety for about 3 years. I have been taking 0.5 mg Xanax XR once a day for 3 years as well. I am a pipemaker and woodworker. I work at home and I usually work late at night so I am not bothered my family. I always take the .5 mg. xanax xr at 8 AM , then I go back to sleep til 12 NOON.When I wake up at 8 AM to take my med. I am usually up for about 30 min. to an hour without the med in my system. I feel fine. I dont understand why I wouldn't feel withdrawals. I also feel better at night when the med isn't working anymore. Please help. Thanks.

I am also agoraphobic (house-bound for 2 years) and due to my condition my doctor is refusing to refill my xanax. I havent been to a doctor in about 2 years so I other doctors wont prescribe without seeing me.This means I either endure the extreme stress of going to the doctor or just get off the xanax and live my life drug free. I am medically dependant on this med but I have been feeling great lately. I am trying to switch from one daily dose of 0.5 mg xanax xr to 0.125 mg xanax(reg.) 4X a day.
Is this the same dose as I was taking before. Or is it too much of a taper. I have no idea. I just want to get off this crap. I am really freaked out because I dont want to be sick or have seizures. I am not epileptic or prone to seizures so I dont think that will happen. I would like all the info that you folks can produce. I have researched this for the past 3 months but I need personal experience advice.

I would also like to know the safest and best way to taper off this dose. I have about (60) 0.5 mg. reg. xanax to work with. Please help me. I have come so far in my journey to recovery from anxiety and agoraphobia. Thank you all very much in advance. Good luck in your endeavors and recovery!

11-04-2006, 06:33 PM
Will I feel the syptoms the first day off my meds? Or the second or third? When will I feel the symptoms if at all. Is it guaranteed that I will feel syptoms or no?

11-09-2006, 05:21 PM
sounds like you are afraid of the withdrawal you may experience. The best you can do is taper off. Do you have a DR you can ask? Withdrawal lasts about a week or two, I know, because I have been threw it time and time again. From my experience day 2 is when I start feeling it. Usually anxiety and twitching, sometimes zaps. I tried to sleep that whole week. Dont be afraid, it is just withdrawal...your body has to detox. It seemed like it would never stop, but eventually it will. I suggest not to be too stressed about it. Just think how exciting it will be when you are drug free and can feel what you are without medication. Also, if anxiety gets bad you could try an herbal medication. Don't be so scared though, it is ok....you are not alone.

Hope this helps.

11-11-2006, 12:26 AM
Hey there I take a 1/2 of .25 a day or one pill up to 3 x a day as needed, but what i'm doing is taking the xanax w/ the 30mg of paxil just before bed time.

The doctor tells me xanax is a very addicting drug but where im such a low dose it should be no problem at all to come off of.

however each person is differnt, I dont sugest you come off of it cold turkey, thats not a good idea for anyone taking any meds.

either way you are going to be okay. :console: