View Full Version : A Unique anxiety, Sanity, Help Please

07-05-2011, 09:52 AM
My anxiety has been in a deteriorating pattern lately and I believe it may be because of my trigger.

I found out of my aunts schizophrenia when I was about 9 years old and was very curious as to what and how it was but apprehensive on finding out details in fear that I would find out I was experiencing symptoms.

Well recently I had started having panic attacks, intrusive thoughts, depersonalization, derealization further leading to my worries. My biggest fear is developing this disorder and ruining my life, family, personal relationships. I find myself analyzing every thought, sensation, behavior, emotion and chalking it up as insanity. Things seem to compound because I am feeling overwhelmed and isolated. Im affraid to be with friends because Im afraid im going to have a psychotic episode or something. I find coping difficult and work even more difficult. I have began therapy and some anti anxieties that help for a period of time but still question my Sanity on a regular basis. I also find myself isolated and depressed.

Please help with some encouraging remarks

07-06-2011, 04:46 AM
hi you are not alone i have different anxietys week by week but one of my many anxiety was of losing my mind and fearing that my intrusive thoughts meant i was developing schizophrenia and what it would mean to my framily. I dont really have a cure from it but just realising other people had the same thoughts helped me realise that it was anxiety. I hope this helps many people feel the same way you do.