View Full Version : Anxiety is killing me :(

07-05-2011, 07:41 AM
Hello guys,

Just joined the forum. First off Hello everyone here..

Glad that there are many people here to help.. Hoping desperately to get help here.

I have the following problem:

Whenever I am about to get or do something new like for instance a new product or a new job or prepare to go out or going to drive my car etc.. I get very very anxious and I start breathing very heavily and I get nervous and start yelling at my wife and other people for no fault of theirs. This is really killing my relationships.. I have lost many friends due to this.. My family somewhat understand.. but still they are people who tend to get hurt...

Right now I have a job anxiety, I attended an interview, got the offer letter but I was not happy about the remuneration and stuff.. Hence I questioned the offer by responding to them.. After that every few minutes I keep checking my mail for any response from them. I mean it, every few minutes I logon to my mail and find nothing and get anxious and depressed.

I badly want a change in my job since I've been in this job for many years and am bored but opportunities are limited in my area of expertise.. and I am a LOSER!

This is just killing me for the past 2 weeks now.. I am unable to concentrate, I get angry, depressed, feel like consuming alcohol etc.. but somehow I've managed to keep myself in check BUT AM LOSING CONTROL.. HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP someone :(

Suggest me something, please dont tell me to go out of my house coz I dont feel like facing the world in the fear of being hated...

Help me please people by atleast pointing me to the right thread here incase I've posted it wrong

Thanks in advance for reading my story and trying to help.


A desperate soul!

07-05-2011, 08:00 AM
Hi Anxiouscat. Im currently in therapy for my anxiety problems and have learnt the difference between anxiety and escalated version the Panic Attack. From reading your post I believe you too suffer from panic attacks hense the heavy breathing, irratabality and being impatient. On my list given to me by my therapist ive got 10 symptoms which may point to a panic attack. Dont quote me on this as im far from being an expert. Id recomend therapy, it has helped me alot in my situation and am hoping to get rid of my problems but i wont hold my breath. I hope you find the help you are looking for, Regards Steven

07-05-2011, 08:16 AM
Hi Anxiouscat. Im currently in therapy for my anxiety problems and have learnt the difference between anxiety and escalated version the Panic Attack. From reading your post I believe you too suffer from panic attacks hense the heavy breathing, irratabality and being impatient. On my list given to me by my therapist ive got 10 symptoms which may point to a panic attack. Dont quote me on this as im far from being an expert. Id recomend therapy, it has helped me alot in my situation and am hoping to get rid of my problems but i wont hold my breath. I hope you find the help you are looking for, Regards Steven

Thanks for your reply Steven! What sort of therapy are we talking about here?

07-05-2011, 08:19 AM
Hi well im waiting to start my course of CBT (Cognative Behavioural Therapy) its designed to changed the way we think and change the way we we react to certain stimuli which causes our anxiety. As i say ive yet to start but i hope it helps.