View Full Version : Anxiety Leading to Vomiting

07-05-2011, 06:26 AM
Hi everyone.
Im brand new to this forum.
I have an anxiety which i believe leads to panic attacks which makes my stomach feel the size of a baked bean. I mostly just get dry wretching from a strong feeling of sickness but it often makes me vomit. Anything from going out with friends to anything that would make me believe would cause me to be ill such as travelling in a car or drinkinbg alcohol. This condition is ruining my social life.
Im currently seeing a therapist for this who is going to set me on a CBT course (cognative behavioral Therapy) and im hoping this is an answer as I really need to change the way in which I think. However im on a waiting list so I somehow need to manage this untill then. If anyone has any advise for me or is suffering from something similar to me please reply, Thx

07-05-2011, 07:32 PM
Well , you have certainly taken a wonderful first step by arranging CBT therapy. I would suggest until you get to start this course, try to very slowly expose yourself to situations that make you uncomfortable. I am scared of the shower as part of my Generalised anxiety disorder and panic attcks ( i know how stupid this sounds) but a shower is terrifying for me and can make me vomit etc. For the last three weeks I have forced myself to have a shower each day ( as i was avoiding it and only going in the spa) and put up with such bad anxiety that i shake for 20 minutes afterwards. It is slowly getting better, i dont panic for and hour before i am going to have the shower, and the fear i feel inside the shower has probably halved. Dont try to rush things, and just keep moving forward slowly and at your own pace. I also am frightenened of going out etc, and take really small steps in doing this, such as just trying to go somewhere for five minutes, then repeating this when i feel like i can, and slowly inreasing the amount of time i spend there. Meditation also helps me alot, and always try to keep thinking positive!!!! Rememebr the panic attacks will pass and that you will be fine afterward.
Hope this helps a little x

07-06-2011, 10:10 AM
Hi, thankyou for replying to me. May I ask you if the women on this website is you? helpmetogetridofanxiety.wordpress.com.

I understand what you mean about constantly trying to move your self forward. Over the years ive managed to beat my fear of driving which has opened up new opportunities such as college and university. I just now need to beat my anxiety and join the ranks of the laid back people.

I dont think any of the problems you have are stupid as a panic attack can literally be started by any fear and they are not very nice at all.

I hope you succeed in bringing your fears under control. Regards, Steven

07-06-2011, 03:17 PM
No problem, yes , that is me (embarrassing but yes) lol. So you have already managed to beat your fear of driving, which is fantastic!!!! and I am sure we can all kepp moving forward, and soon we will be among those laid back people too :-) I know being positive is a major key to getting better.

Good Luck Steven :-)

07-06-2011, 03:51 PM
Ive had a look through your diary and i believe that you are a very strong person who is coping very well. The fact they you have created this online diary proves that you are not ashamed. I tend to hide my problems from fear of being judged. Keep it up ^^ Regards, Steven

07-07-2011, 06:25 AM
Anti nausea pills that you pick up at the drug store have some impact. Stress puker here, an endscope, months of stomach meds, and thousands in medical bills to continue to puke constantly. I did get down from about 35 to about 15 times a week! Pretty much, you have to not eat, then eventually water makes you puke and dry heave for hours. Then you puke all over yourself and everything at work and they tell you to hurry up and go home and change and get back to work. Rinse, repeat.

I hope you actually get it fixed, if not look forward to hating life forever.

08-05-2011, 06:06 AM
I take Domperidone (not the wine ;) ) which is for preventing nausea and vomiting. It works by speeding up the digestive system and stopping things for staying there for too long. I'm not sure if you can buy it over the counter or if you need a doctor, but it certainly works a treat, my doctor gave it to me and it helps loss of appetite too.
Hope this helps...

08-05-2011, 05:51 PM
On long car trips Dramamine (not sure what it's called in England, but dimenhydrinate is the active ingredient) is helpful. It not only helps the nausea but it's a pretty strong sedative for most people so you can sleep through the ride. Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is another similar product that is marketed to treat allergies but helps with motion sickness too. You'll be asleep for at least an hour or two on either of these though, so not something you want to take unless you're traveling a good distance.

One really weird thing that I found helped with my carsickness--and I have absolutely no idea why this works--is putting an Altoid in my mouth! I don't know if the taste just takes my mind off being sick or if it's something about the peppermint oil or what, but I always feel less nauseated when sucking on an Altoid. I've also heard that ginger is good for carsickness so you may want to try ginger Altoids if you can get them. They're not stocked in many stores but you can get them on Amazon.

I hope this helps and that your problem is solved soon.