View Full Version : Numbness, tingling, nausea

07-04-2011, 01:11 PM
Hello, I am new to this forum but I am glad I have found it. This morning I woke up after only about 4 hours of sleep, feeling kind of weird and nervous. My mouth was very dry as usual when waking up and as my tongue touched my teeth I noticed a strange numb feeling through my whole mouth. I started moving and noticed my entire body was numb and had a strange tingling sensation. My stomach began to feel queezy and it felt very strange and scary when I touched my own hands or moved my arms. I am a 19 year old male. I went downstairs (carefully, I might add) and told my mother I thought I was having a panic attack. I began shaking uncontrollably and very hard. She asked me if I took too many pills but no, I hadn't. The only pills I take is 50mg benadryl almost every night to help me sleep which is a very small dose and has never caused problems in the year or so I've taken it. I've been diagnosed with a "depressive disorder not otherwise specified" and "anxiety issues" or something of that effect, I don't remember how they worded the anxiety part but it wasn't a disorder. After all, I normally have mild anxiety and no attacks. The feelings I felt this morning only happened once before, a few weeks ago when I smoked a legal incense that caused me to black out/hallucinate and have a horrifying experience ending in me vomiting about 10 times so hard I thought my organs were going to come out. Yes, that was the first and last time. I learned my lesson the hard way. At first I thought the numbness and tingling was from the drug, now I think the hallucinations and feelings it caused me scared me into a panic. Not to mention, the numbness I felt today made it feel very strange/trippy when I moved, almost like it was slow motion or lagging time. Although today I did not hallucinate and my vision remained normal, the drug I used before caused me to be trapped in a time loop and see messed up time for nearly 2 hours. I'm guessing the numb feeling caused me to hallucinate that the time stuff was actually happening. But back to today, I am wondering, could this have really been a panic attack, the second one of my life? Or something else? Maybe I had a bad nightmare that I don't remember. Thanks in advance for replying.

07-04-2011, 10:30 PM
Well, I haven't got a reply yet. I was fine most of the day once it cleared up this morning but just now it came back. It's not as terrifying now as it was earlier since I know it should go away and I'll be ok in the long run... It's just really annoying and it's midnight so I want to sleep but can't. My arms and hands are severely numb and tingling making it very "trippy" when they come in contact with things, especially my own body. I don't notice my heart being any different, my stomach isn't really worked up, but my mouth (especially teeth) and kind of feels like my throat, are also slightly numb. I am not on any medications but have been considering starting an antidepressant, as my therapist told me to ask my doctor about. But I am considering going to the hospital... I don't like resorting to drugs but I almost hope they would give me something to calm down the physical symptoms. Would I be held in the hospital? I was hospitalized(voluntarily) for like 6 days before for saying I wanted to kill myself ,and I hated it.
Surprisingly, I am quite calm mentally and not really shaking. It just seems I worry so much about the scary numb feeling coming back to the point where it does. So basically, my question is, would going to the hospital be a good idea, and will they hold me there?

07-05-2011, 02:11 AM
Hi, i dont know if i can be of much help, but i used to get this numbness and tingling thrughout alot of the day for a whole 2 months or so!. i had it in my arms and hands, sometimes my legs, and also my mouth and cheeks. I finally managed to get used to it, and accept that it was just anxiety causing it, and once i did that and tended to ignore it and didnt care about it anymore, it went away and i havent had it at all for a few months now. I think the best way is to trick your mind, eg: once you are not scared of the symptom, its doesnt seem to happen as much. I have been battling this for 18 months and i know how frustrating and scary it can be. I think you can beat this without medication or the hospital, the only thing i take is half of a 2mg valium sometimes if i am feeling especilly tense or going somehwere i am scared of.
Hope you are going ok xx

07-06-2011, 10:32 PM
Thanks for the reply. I like your Dutch name. :P I normally have mild anxiety and barely ever have severe bouts of it, maybe once every few months I'll have bad anxiety for a few days. I didn't have the numbness yesterday, and this morning I woke up and it felt like it was there for a brief moment but went away. I certainly agree with the getting used to it thing. Once I realized it won't cause me any true bodily harm I actually laughed about it a little bit, sort of being cocky the second time it happened. I basically worried about it so much that it happened. Oddly enough, I didn't have a whole lot of mental panic once it happened but the physical sensations make things very uncomfortable. I have a doctors appointment August 2nd and I am going to talk to him about starting an antidepressant that will also help with my anxiety.

07-07-2011, 02:07 AM
Nice work :-) and glad you are feeling better! i joke about it too when it happens to me, makes things sooooo much easier when you can laugh at yourself from time to time :-)