View Full Version : How is Citalopram (Celexa) ?

07-01-2011, 01:02 PM
I'm a 15 year old girl and I've suffered from severe anxiety and depression for almost a year now, I finally got health insurance and my doctor just started me on Citalopram

has anybody here had experiences with it? if so could you share
pleas and thank youu(:

07-01-2011, 05:32 PM
It works well, but I got sick of relying on it.. and stopped taking them 1year + ago

Physical symptoms subside therefore my mental thoughts stopped also ... coming back now though, so maybe I will consider them again

07-03-2011, 05:08 PM
I'm on Citalopram, 40 mg per day, taken once at night. The first 8 weeks were strange, and I had bouts with pretty severe anxiety attacks a couple times. But, the best news is, it gets better. I wish it would have acted faster, but once it gets settled into your system it does the job. You didn't say how much your doctor prescribed, but you might have to increase or decrease the dose depending on how it affects you. Just don't give up too soon. Again, it may take weeks for you to find "your" spot. Once you do, it'll help you cope. It's not a silver bullet, but it does even things out.

07-03-2011, 10:51 PM
If this is the only thing your doctor has offered then find another doctor .

Also find someone that you can talk things out with that will help you understand anxiety and depression . You dont have to live like this and drugs are only one aid to help you recover.

cheers kev :)

Agreed. Jumping on the SSRI merry-go-round is not a good first step, especially at the tender young age of 15. A better idea would be to find a good therapist who you can talk to and who can teach you techniques such as CBT or ACT in order to heal you. Medications such as Celexa have LOTS of pitfalls, won't cure you, and will almost never provide anything near complete relief. I would only take it if everything else you have tried has failed.