View Full Version : confused...

06-29-2011, 09:57 AM
I have recently be anxious and feeling a bit bummed out, and I can't really put my finger on why. Basically, the big changes in my life have been returning to work after being off for the last 15 months with my two boys, playing a stay at home dad, I also had a vasectomy about 3 weeks ago. My diet, exercise, relationship with friends and family has not changed. I feel like I worry about senseless stuff...."are my kids ok at the sitters?", "what if theres an accident?"...stupid stuff. Sometimes just I just have a empty feeling in my stomach for no known reason. I wake up usually sweating, then cold, no fever. I feel worse in the morning as opposed to later on in the day. I know things like going back to work can cause a bit of "sadness", but it just seems extreme.

I have been taking St. Johns wort for about a week now (3-4 pills a day) and the feeling has subsided a bit. (weather or not it was time or the pills...??) The feeling seems opposite now, in that I feel better more than I feel crappy. My doc gave me a prescription for zoloft 50mg, but I have no desire to start taking antidepressants, but I guess if it fixes this feeling, I'll give it a shot?

I feel dull only sometimes, none of my friends have noticed a difference in me, even when I told my wife, she seemed surprised. I had a job interview yesterday, and got the job I wanted, and that made me feel better, however, later on that night, I felt a bit bummed, and not knowing why.

I feel like karma has sentenced me to a period of "see!! NOW how do you feel???" I have had friends and cousins battle depression and anxiety, I my usual comments weren't rude, but rather left me wondering "how bad can it be?? just eat better, or exercise..." yeah, not that easy...

Thank you for listening, and please comment as you see fit!!