View Full Version : Need Help

11-02-2006, 11:18 PM
I have bad anxiety and have been on so many different meds. The problem is I always have most of the side effects, the following I am having right now.

Weight gain, sleeping issues, my arms are all scratched up from itching, sexual side effects, memory loss, lack of will to do things. WTF, I have anxiety and not depression. It seems that every drug my doctors put me on are all pretty much the same and have the same effects.

The meds help with the anxiety but the trade of is not worth it. Is there anything out there that I can just take every once in a while when I feel like my mind is spinning at 100mph?

11-03-2006, 04:52 AM
maybe meds arent the answer for you.. they werent for me. I struggled through my anxiety completly free from meds. And I do say struggle, but i'm feeling 10x stronger now because of it.... I do believe a natural form of medication is good though. you could try the herbal route.

St Johns Wort

Kava kava

and... hmm there is more.

I find they arent as powerful as modern medications, and it seems when in an anxiety state your body is VERY sensitive.

But please follow your own intuition... Hang in there, your not alone, its a hard road but you will recover.