View Full Version : Need help.

06-28-2011, 07:21 AM
My name is Jennifer, and I have recently started to suffer from anxiety, depression and panic attacks. I started about a month ago, and can not seem to let go of these feelings. I cry all the time, at random times. I feel that I have no self control.
The mornings are the worst for me. I still feel so tired, and want so badly to go back to sleep, and just forget about the day. Then at the same time, I want to enjoy life again. I want to play and spend time with my kids and husband. It just feels so unnatural now, and I hate feeling this way. I often feel that I want to go and hide in a dark corner somewhere, and cry till I can not cry anymore.
I have ready up on what anxiety, depression and panic attacks are....but it still feels like it is something more. Like something that I am missing. I almost feel like I lost a part of me, the person I used to be. It is such a horrible feeling, and one that just came on out of the blue.
I can not concentrate at work. I feel that I am letting down everyone, and sometimes my mind goes blank in the middle of what I was doing. My mom had to come stay with me for a week. She even went to work with me. Sometimes this problem just makes me feel so stupid, and I know that this is not me....not even close.
Any help would be wonderful.

06-28-2011, 02:14 PM
Hi Jennifer! I'm new to this webside and came across your post. I know when you're feeling depressed or anxious exercise is the last thing on your mind, but I've found when I'm having a bad day if I go to the gym or go outside for a run or walk it calms me down a lot. To be honest it's really the only thing that works for me other than taking medication, and it's much heathier... Keep your chin up :)

06-28-2011, 06:10 PM
Thank you for your post. I have heard that a lot, and maybe I need to start exercising again. About 2 weeks before I started with all of this I had to stop exercising, because I got bronchitis. I think what really started it off for me, was when my husband and kids left for Alaska. I had to stay because of work, and thought that I could handle it. I had never had both of my kids away from me for a long period, or my whole family away for that matter. I think being here in a town where I really do not know anybody, except for those that I work with, and having no family here made it worse.
My poor husband did not understand why if they were back, I was still not happy. I had to reassure him that I was happy that they were here with me, but it was not something that was just going to go away because they came home. If only it was that easy. LOL!
I will however take it one day at a time, and find my way again. I know that I will be me again, and be the person that I used to be.
Thank you.