View Full Version : Social Anxiety?

06-26-2011, 09:29 AM
Hi there,

I'm new to the forum but I've been reading around the threads and it seems like a great community, thought I'd introduce myself and finally inquire about my own anxiety.

My name is Charles, I'm 25 and have panic attacks in a few choice locations... namely movie theaters and at my girlfriend's parent's house during dinner. Symptoms are the same in both locations, get very hot, upset stomach, nausea, light headed, etc. I'm not entirely sure what the trigger is as the locations seem very different. In both situations, getting up and getting a little fresh air helps considerably but as soon as I sit back down all the symptoms come back. I have noticed that if I am in the theater, sitting towards the end of the row helps (maybe it's claustrophobia?) but I haven't been able to figure out this dinner table thing and it's really tough... especially when I'm sitting there and unable to eat. I've tried some breathing techniques and they just barely get me through but the whole experience is very uncomfortable. Would love to be able to sit there and enjoy the moment.

Should I go see a doctor? Not really sure how to proceed identifying and treating something like this, it's been on and off for 6 years, I just figured I'd grow out of it... no luck.

Thank you for reading and any thoughts/advice you might be able to offer!

06-27-2011, 04:15 PM
Dear Jedi253,

I can't know how disturbing the symptoms you write about are for you, but your question 'should you see a doctor?' is one I find tough.

The sort of anxiety I need help for is one that includes blind panic; feeling I'm going to die with no rational thoughts behind those emotions.

If your anxiety is so bad for you that you feel you need help, then you do. I suppose I'm saying if you can't conceal those feeling from everyone around you e.g they see you having to get out of a situation, then you could think about seeing a doctor.

Anxiety is common to everyone to different degrees and we need to learn to live with it. It'll come and go, maybe with no rationale behind it's arrival or departure, but it will be there.

I read something on a website a little while ago. It said doing what you hate is death to anxiety. I think that's the only real coping strategy there is.

Someone will read your post and my reply. They'll probably disagree with me entirely, but that's how I feel.

Best of luck.

06-29-2011, 04:16 AM
Should I go see a doctor?

This is always a tough one. The main problem with seeing a doctor is that they are probably going to want to put you on medication. And I don't think this is a good place to start. On the other hand, if you DO decide to see a doctor, you might ask them if they could recommend a therapist you could see.

07-05-2011, 06:43 AM
Hi Charles.
I have a very similar condition to you however when i get anxious and it leads to a panic attack I instantly find myself feeling very ill and sometimes even throw up. when I brought up the courage to go see a doctor they instantly wanted to put me on a drug called amitriptyline which is an anti depressant drug but in the small dose he gave me can help me through anxiety and only took them for about 2 weeks to calm myself down so I could make it into my first week of university. I had to ask for therapy from the doctor he didnt ask me which I find strange. So i finally got into therapy and ive been told ill be put on a CBT course (Cognative Behavioural Therapy) I havent started it yet but from just talking to the therapist on my 4 appointments I feel alot better. So i do believe that therapy for your condition would work wonders. My medication use was a temporary fix for something very scary for me but for something ongoing I wouldnt recomend it. I hope this helps, Regards Steven