View Full Version : So... my fellow anxiety sufferers, i sincerely hope your experience can help me

06-25-2011, 05:34 AM
My name is David, i am 17 years old, and i had been suffering from anxiety for nearly 2 months.
few weeks ago, sometimes i fear i will go insane or lose control of my body. i feel "blank mind" at times... and just cant concentrate.. and i am always tired.
however i go on the net quite a lot t oresearch on how to get better from anxiety. now i know i wont ever lose control or go insane from anxiety or depression. they are ony illusions created by our mind in the response of "flight or fight" reaction.
But right now, i know that they are all illusions, and i have lost a lot of symptoms i suffered before like (lose appeptite and cant fall asleep). right now, i dont know what to do anymore,yes i had been a lot calmer than before because now i really know what is happening to my mind and they are all natural. i feel like i am stuck at a state, and i cant get out of it. my mind is confused and frustrated because i dont know what else i could do to be fully recover from anxiety. sometimes i can eat sometimes i dont want to eat, sometimes i can sleep well sometimes i cant...has anyone experienced this before? and how did u get out of it?
thanks for reading and any comments wll be appreciated

06-25-2011, 10:48 AM
the first step in recovery is learning about anxiety. so your on the right track. it's great that you realize that all your symptoms are only anxiety, thats important. it is your fear of the symptoms thats keeping the anxiety around. in saying that, you also have to understad that at the beggining of recovery, once you have accepted the anxiety, you also have to accept that it may take some time for the "symptoms" to go away. by reducing your stress, you are lowering the stress hormones that are causing the symptoms. but your body will need some time to recover and for everything to go back to normal. its not going to happen overnight. you will continue to have Anxiety symoptoms for as long as it takes your body to heal. being inpatient and wishing the symptoms away are causing more stress and keeping the anxiety around. you must be patient. the smptoms will fade in time. but for now just live your life as you would if you didnt have anxiety. loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, again all symptoms. they will fade in time. your not going to wake up one morning and be "cured". but little by little day by day, you will notice improvements. i recommed a website called anxietycentre.com. it cost nine dollars to join, but well worth it