View Full Version : the best website ever for anxiety :)

06-24-2011, 08:35 PM
hey guys! haven't posted for a bit. just want to share this great website with everyone. it's called anxietycentre.com. it cost about 9 dollars to become a member. but trust me it's worth it. it has a list of over 100 symptoms of anxiety, how the body/mind causes those symptoms, and what you can do to lessen them. it has pages and pages of tips on how to recover, how you are the one hindering your recovery and how you can stop the behavior that is causing your anxiety. it also has a forum, where the creators of the website answer some of the questions. it has everything you could ever need to know about anxiety and how you can recover. some of the best info iv found so far, and iv been on ALOT of websites looking for answers. I just think it's great. anyone who suffers anxiety will love it! :)

06-24-2011, 09:55 PM
yeah i actually seen where you suggested it to someone in one of the post on here, so i went and checked it out. so thanks :) lol. its funny you mention the conversation about the guy thinking he may be gay, i ran into that one when i was browsing through everything. I agree "a weird thought and nothing more". I dont think im even going to participate in the forum area. for me its just to get a better understanding of anxiety, why i feel the way i do, and tips to overcome it. they do a great job at explaining it all. i can see why you say the site saved your life. it has helped me a ton in just the short time since iv joined. if people understand why they feel the way they do, it takes the fear out of it, and that alone decreases the anxiety.

06-30-2011, 07:24 AM
Wow this site is great. Thanks for the tip you guys!