View Full Version : How to talk to somebody?

11-02-2006, 08:42 PM
I know that it would be a good to talk to somebody about my anxiety, but I cannot get up the nerves to say anything to anybody about how it has been bothering me. I hate how it becomes so hard to do simple things. I have never mentioned anything to my parents and have obviously never had counseling, medication, etc. The only reason any of my friends know about the issue is because I have panicked in front of them quite a few many more times than I would have liked. I am incredibly sick of being struck with fear and being overly nervous all of the time. But it is this same fear that is keeping me from doing anything about it. If I get help maybe I can learn how to control myself, but I can't get help because of my fear. Its a vicious cycle, and I don't know what to do :cry:. Any suggestions?

11-05-2006, 10:00 PM
Hello Kat, and welcome to the Anxiety Forum. First, I would like to say that I'm glad that you're taking the first steps to combat anxiety. The stigma of mental illness has somewhat lost it's stigma, but I can understand how you feel. I remember almost 10 years ago, when I trying to explain my "extreme" shyness to my parents, but they didn't seem to understand. Of course, they just told me "Oh... There's nothing wrong with you". Anyway, it took me almost 4-5 years to take the first steps, but they made the difference. Kat, do you have a family doctor that you go to, because I think you might be you're somewhat comfortable speaking with him or her? On your next checkup, tell your doctor that you think you might have anxiety. Of course she will ask about your symptoms, and explain in detail how you feel and when those symptoms occur. You will find the treatment process will get progressively easier after this. What most general practitioners will do after hearing your symptoms is either put you on an SSRI (paxil) or a benzodiazepine such as Klonopin or Xanax. You might or might not get helpful treatment through this method, but it's the first step.

11-06-2006, 08:12 PM
Thanks for the advice, but unfortunately no, I don't actually have a family doctor or any doctor that I go to. I have been trying to brainstorm people that I could talk to but even when I do think of someone the idea of talking to them about it makes me sick. Also, as far as my parents are concerned, even thouh they wouldn't actually believe there is anything wrong with me, if they did their reaction would be less than desirable. What I mean is that they would have that tone af frustration or disapointment in their voice that would make any child want to cry. I know that if I want help I will have to come to terms with my own fear of speaking to people as well as my parents' reactions. This is all becoming even more of a problem as it is becoming hard for me to take tests in school on material that I could easily ace. Part of me wants to just hand in a blank paper and get a miserable grade in a class where my average without the blank paper would be an A or an A+. Then I wish I could lock myself in my room where no one would bother me and stay there for the rest of forever. I am just so sick of being nervous all of the time, why does it have to be so hard for me to do anything about it? :evil: :evil: :cry: :cry: :cry:

11-07-2006, 06:43 PM
you need to tell your parents about your issue. Do you have any close friends you can confide in?
This is a longterm issue and it can be treated.
But, you need help.

You can email me if you would like. I can offer suggestions.
please just know, you are not alone.
This is not something you die from .....but can be 100% healed.