View Full Version : Is Prozac okay for me? I really need your advice!

06-23-2011, 11:19 PM
I'm 15 and have been suffering from a severe anxiety disorder with the most terrifying panic attacks that I have started hallucinating
I've tried:
Kava kava, trytoval, trytophan, A.S.F, Meletonin for insomnia caused by anxiety, along with multi-vitamin and omega 3 fish oil

The kava kava worked amazingly but is very damaging to the liver and made me very sick after a few months so I slowly came off of it with many withdrawal symptoms... after that nothing has seemed to work. I have been trying to avoid any prescription drugs but I feel like they might be my last resort

So I would love to get other people's opinions please and thank you (:

06-24-2011, 04:27 PM
Have you tried treating your anxiety disorder by any means besides drugs and supplements? Have you tried treatments such as CBT and/or ACT? I would try something like this before going the prescription drug route.

06-26-2011, 06:24 AM
Prozac i probably a way better and safer idea then kava kava. I dont understand why this shit is still sold OTC in some countries, while its habbit forming and potentially harmfull.

Prozac isn't great and doesn't work for everyone. But unfortunately no drug does. Just try it for a month and see what happens.

06-27-2011, 01:48 AM
Prozac i probably a way better and safer idea then kava kava. I dont understand why this shit is still sold OTC in some countries, while its habbit forming and potentially harmfull.

Prozac isn't great and doesn't work for everyone. But unfortunately no drug does. Just try it for a month and see what happens.

Thanks(: I'm going to go to the doctor next month and see what happens with it