View Full Version : palpitations/ heart rate

06-21-2011, 01:32 PM
i feel as if i am dealing with my anxiety ok at the moment however i still get palpitations/ faster heart rate when i am nervous, even just slightly nervous or in a situation when i am not actualy nervous about it but it could be seen as a nervous situation e.g seeing somebody in the street you know or waiting at the dentist even though i feel fine . i was wondering if anybody else got this and if you think that due to me having suffered anxiety and panic attacks before this makes more likely to feel nervous and have a faster heart rate even though i dont actually feel nervous. quite hard to explain cheers

06-21-2011, 05:23 PM
Yes, i get this quite often and it's usually when i'm relaxed aswell . I've been to the doctors several times about this and everytime they say the same thing, that it is just due to the anxiety and that it could be caused by adrenaline or previous anxiety/panic attacks . The previous attacks can make symptoms appear again even if you aren't nervous but if you still suffer from anxiety occasionally. The symptoms will probably go away on their own once you have completely gotten rid of the anxiety and a good way to start that is to stop worrying about all the symptoms including the palpitations because they really are nothing to worry about :) It is a good idea to see the doctor though as he/she will explain more about this which will make you feel more confident about this and more likely to get rid of anxiety and stop this happening.
Hope it helps
Marzy .

06-22-2011, 04:22 AM
thanks. iv been to the doc several times and had a few ecgs, 24 hour tape and a echocardigram in the past couple of years and i do fully accept there is nothing wrong but i still get this, its as if the anxiety heightens the nervousness because i really am not! just need to try get past it, tried deep breathing most days and it works to an axtent but should i face a situation it happens!

anxious annie
06-25-2011, 02:00 PM
I've been getting palpitations for the past few days and it gets worse when I'm nervous or not comfortable in a situation ! I et obsessed with checking my pulse which makes me worse. I have had it on and off since I started with anxiety and it really scares me ! Been to the doctors and they have done ECgs and just waiting for a 24hr tape but she keeps telling me it's just anxiety ! I do believe this but it's really hard not to worry about it when you are getting them and then it makes them worse! It's good to know I'm not the only person because that's how it feels. Do you know any techniques to stop them ?

06-26-2011, 09:28 AM
I've been getting palpitations for the past few days and it gets worse when I'm nervous or not comfortable in a situation ! I et obsessed with checking my pulse which makes me worse. I have had it on and off since I started with anxiety and it really scares me ! Been to the doctors and they have done ECgs and just waiting for a 24hr tape but she keeps telling me it's just anxiety ! I do believe this but it's really hard not to worry about it when you are getting them and then it makes them worse! It's good to know I'm not the only person because that's how it feels. Do you know any techniques to stop them ?

FYI - I used to get this (mine is a little more thyroid related but anxiety too). MY Dr's always said under 100 is okay and under 80 is even normal. At times my heart rate would get fast but on most days it'd beat a little harder and a little faster. On these days I'd limit my HR checks and if it was around 80 just remind myself that this IS JUST FINE and try to ignore it. Hope this helps.

07-05-2011, 02:33 PM
hi, dont know any techniques that work for sure but doing breathing excercises eg in for 4 out for 6 can help a bit. its just trying not to think about it but it certainly isnt easy when the slighest thing triggers it off like the day after drinking alcohol or just a short period of time after drinking alcohol even just a few cans , not all the time but sometimes also feeling really tired.