View Full Version : Why does it feel so real?

11-02-2006, 01:24 PM
Hi all
This is my first time here and I look forward to mutually helping.
My anxiety started a year ago when I woke up with chest pains and was rushed to the ER. The next day they did nuclear stress tests on me and the 2 week wait for the results was veryt horrible. Turns out Im Ok, actually I have a good heart and am at low risk but for months after, every muscual twinge was a heart problem. After seeing the cardiologist 3 times and being told I was good I stop having attacks.
But then something else came along to take its place.(of course)
About 5 weeks ago I read a book by Cynthia Lennon about John. She decribes her father dying young (mid 50s) of lung cancer in some detail.So now I am having anxiety attacks about having lung cancer (im an ex smoker of 4 years). Everytime I get short of breath due to sinuss, dog hair or whatever I start panicking I cant breath, and of course shortness of breath is a symptom of Anxiety. If I take a traqulizer I seem OK just to prove a point.
But it seems so real doesnt it? How do you break the cycle?
Any help gratfully received

11-03-2006, 04:59 AM
well it is real... even though its your own mind working against yourself.. nothing could be more real.

Dont fight it. Dont fear the worse, but have courage.. you already know its just the anxiety. Keep affirming that to yourself. Cause you know the truth.

I think one part of what anxiety is, is its your own mind and imagination going out of control and turning against you... But deep down there is another you who is smarter.

and shortness of breath, sounds like you are subconsciously hyperventillating through out the day (a real problem in the human population, especially for anxiety victims) When you feel the shortness of breath dont fioght it.. let it go. but when you are feeling okay then try and have a deeper slower more healthy breath pattern. And get plenty of sleep at night.

Best of wishes!