View Full Version : headaxhe..

06-19-2011, 02:08 AM

I went to sleep around 4pm yesterday, woke up about 8 with a really bad headache.
I took some paracetamol and it seemed to clear. About 2am I devloped a headache in my temples, which is worse on one side.

I have just took some ibuprofen but I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open, I have looked online and it says it could be a symptom of a brain aneurysm! I'm so scared.

Has anyone else had a temple headache??

06-20-2011, 10:39 AM
Hi Gemma,

It's perfectly natural to be scared after getting strange headaches and reading all the terrifying possible causes and symptoms, especially if you suffer from anxiety already. But temple headaches can be caused by a great many things, most of them quite common and not dangerous or life-threatening. It's always best to see a doctor, just to be safe, but mostly because hearing from a qualified professional that it's just something common and normal can do wonders to reassure you and make you feel more at ease.

Do you wear glasses or have eyesight problems? Or do you suffer from migraines at all? I get temple headaches a lot, and usually it's either when my eyes are strained, when I'm feeling stressed or anxious (like a tension headache) or when I'm having a migraine. Or it sounds like your initial headache woke you up before you had a chance to get a full sleep, so that's most likely why you're feeling so tired. Again, it's always best to go see the doctor to put your mind at ease, but it's most likely just a common tension headache or something similar.

Hope that helps a little and you're feeling better soon!