View Full Version : Do psychiatrists really help?

06-18-2011, 01:41 AM
Hi guys, I'm new here. I've had a history of anxiety/depression and it's gotten a lot worse lately. I'm a college student and was prescribed medication thru a school doctor although I've never gone to a real psychiatrist to get treatment, partly because I was kind of skeptical if it would actually work. What were you guys' experiences with treatment from psychiatrists? Does it help & how much?


06-21-2011, 07:47 AM
Dear iwanthope,

Because psychiatrists give out medication and I've not seen many of them, I can't really tell you what else they do apart from that.

If you're wondering about phychologists and talking therapies. Whether they can help is down to the person they're seeing and their need to work with the phychologist.

It also matters what type of psychologist. They may come from a psychoanalytical standpoint where everything they address comes from the inner you. Whereas the type of psychologist I see is a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist. She addresses my behaviours and their causes.

If you're ready to seek help and work with whoever you choose to see, you can see results.

Best wishes