View Full Version : Short term memory loss/brain fog and anxiety?

06-17-2011, 12:14 PM
Hi everyone.

So to try to make a long, rambling story short, I've been suffering from short term memory blackouts the past few days. It's tough to explain, but my brain will sort-of fog over, my short term memory will start blanking out, and while I can remember where I am and everything I've done/am doing if I start reminding myself of it, it's not immediately there clear on the top of my mind as it normally is. My senses will become dulled (if someone makes noise in the next room, for instance, I'll be much less likely to notice) and my concentration rapidly declines.

If I'm sat still and stay in one place, eventually my concentration and clarity will return, but when I get up and go somewhere else (say, if I'm hanging out downstairs with the family and then head up to my room), it'll start again.

I've suffered from them before and have come to associate them with stress and anxiety - the first time anything like that happened was after an anxiety attack triggered by a bad experience with marijuana when I was around 17/18 (that was around 9-10 years ago and that was the first and only time I've tried drugs). Since then it's happened a few times over the years to a small extent when I'm extremely anxious. Last week I had an anxiety attack about a dentist appointment and was fine and back to normal for a week and now I've noticed my brain starting to fog over again.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of side effect from anxiety, or just this in general? I've cut out sugar and caffeine from my diet entirely over the past couple of weeks, could a lack of sugar worsen anxiety?

Thanks in advance for any light anyone could shed on this.

Itz Omi
06-17-2011, 07:07 PM
I am the Queen of brain fog!! My memory's gone down the crapper, I forget words mid-sentence (real embarrassing when I can't even finish a thought because I forget the word for "refrigerator" or whatever), and my mind is sluggish. But let me sit on the toilet and I'm a genius. If only I can park my toilet to my work desk!