View Full Version : AD Vent. Need advice- ready to throw in the white towel!

06-17-2011, 01:40 AM
Hi, My name is Jess and Im 21 years old, ive had anxiety, post traumatic stress and also in the recent years some agoraphobia and panic disorder. Lately I've found I've reached a point where everything just makes me really really angry? like furious to the point where my head pounds and i grit my teeth and feel like my chest is going to explode and stuff. then its like all of a sudden i want to just sit on the floor and cry.
sometimes its over nothing, or the smallest thing as well! like not being able to find the right pants i want to wear or i just snap at anything my boyfriend says.

Then last night i was in bed alone watching tv and then all of a sudden i felt the urge to just cry, over nothing. it was just like a bad feeling rushing over me.

i hate being this angry and moody all the time and i need some advice. Ive tried the breathing calmly etc when i get really frustrated, which helps.
but more than anything its like i need to learn to bite my tongue and control my emotions? im on zoloft and see my psyc regularly but i feel this is different and im not sure why but im not coping with it well!

Anything you wanna say go for it, im open!

06-24-2011, 09:51 AM
Hi there, I have GAD and am also on Zoloft and though I can't relate exactly to the anger I have an idea as to why maybe it's happening? I myself often have that 'bad' feeling whafting over me and I just want to cry for no reason it seems so i gotcha on that one. The anger I want to say is perhaps resentment. I feel resentment at a lot of things in my life right now and I'm not even sure why, I'm also pretty irritable and snap at my boyfriend without meaning too. The other reason I know myself to be resentful and irritable is because of fatigue, I get so much sleep but I'm always so tried, it's because I worry so much I tire myself out.

The last thing I want to say is maybe its fear? I know when I feel panicky or afraid I get really defensive and snappy. That's the best I got for you hun good luck and keep smiling!


06-24-2011, 04:01 PM
How long have you been on Zoloft? If you recently started taking it and have noticed that things got worse around the same time, then maybe you have a problem with the Zoloft.