View Full Version : First Time Anxiety

06-16-2011, 10:20 AM
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if somebody could please help. A few weeks ago my partner and I, who have been together for 4 years and are very much in love, decided to look at engagement rings. The next day I started having dreams, one every night for 4 nights, of different friends of ours, and that i'd cheated on my partner with them This drove me CRAZY, I was sick, headaches, shaking, crying, panic attacks, even had to be put onto Valium and hooked up to an ECG machine, as my heart was beating out of my chest. I was distraught, as I would never do this to him. I've never ever before these few weeks questions my faithfulness to Jonathan, have never and would never cheat, and i've never had these thoughts before. I convinced myself so much that i'd done something that I had to call/text these friends to check with them that it wasn't true! They thought that I was mad and obviously said nothing had happened! Because I checked with these guys, and they all said no, I should have felt fine, but then my anxiety caused me to think maybe it was with a random person and he'll leave me. I had a daydream that in the future my partner confronted me about it, and I sat there and couldn't reply to him, because I have NO recollection of this ever happening, and never had even thought about this a few weeks ago, I was so happy and excited about getting engaged! These stupid thoughts have even led me to think, i'll just confess this all to him, even though I have nothing to confess to! I'm off the medication now, the physical symptoms have gone and am seeing a therapist, and bit by bit starting to believe its all nonsense, but my main problem is, its still the first thing i think of in the morning, and although its not all i think about all day anymore, its still very much on my mind. Any ideas on what to do? Will I ever forget about all of this? am scared i won't

Itz Omi
06-16-2011, 08:26 PM
Hon, you are worried for nothing. They're just dreams. Just random and they don't mean anything. And don't you dare confess anything because there is nothing to confess!

Just let it go. :)

06-18-2011, 06:47 PM
Itz is right. You've nothing to admit to.

I can understand obsessing about something untill it's all you can think of, but this is one of those situations where you've got to do your best to come to terms with it. Not just because it's doing your head in, but if you even tell you partner about your obsessions, you'll hurt him too.

Let your obsession be a secret between the three of us.