View Full Version : Need Your Opinion

06-16-2011, 02:23 AM
I've been on cipralex 10mg for 6 months now, i'm feeling much better now compared to what i was going through last year. I talked to my doctor and he said that it's time to come off the med, so what he proposed is that i take one pill every other day. the thing is that now i'm scared and thoughts are coming in my mind that maybe i'd go back to point zero after i stop taking the meds, or will i feel anxious and depressed if i stop the med ? Need your help guys and thanks a lot.

Best regards,


06-16-2011, 03:48 AM
When i first got symptoms of anxiety and depression i researched a lot and by a lot i mean a lot of reading and forums. Now i'm thinking of getting books related to such topics and especially books that help you cope with stress in natural ways, and please it would really help if you give me such infos or names of books that are really helpful.
Thanks for your reply sometimes only chatting and talking with people helps so thanks a lot.


06-21-2011, 05:40 PM
I think that these thoughts could be coming back due to you worrying about what will happen once you are completely off the meds. A very good idea would be to start seeing a therapist as he/she will help you to stop these thoughts, come off the meds easier and find out the reason for your anxiety which will make you more confident and much more likely to get rid of it :)

Marzy .