View Full Version : Just started Paxil

11-01-2006, 04:44 PM
I first took Paxil on Sunday night (three days ago). I basically have felt out of it and somewhat stoned ever since. It's 25mg of Paxil-CR. I loved it at first because I took it before bed and it put me right to sleep. But last night the cat randomly woke me up at 2am and I immediately started to feel like I was having a panic attack. My palms and feet were sweating, I was shaking and felt really scared. It didn't get full-blown, I was able to calm myself by watching the Food Network and telling myself it was just my brain. I'm also really nervous about the withdrawal symptoms I've read about, because eventually I'm going to have to come off the Paxil (my doctor said I'd be on it for six months - I doubt I'll even take it that long).

Does anyone have any experience with Paxil that could give me any advice, suggestions, stories, etc?