View Full Version : If you have shortness of breath from anxiety..........

06-12-2011, 06:59 AM
Does it only come in incriments? Or is it there ALL THE TIME! Mine is there all the time. I take my meds and it helps me cope with it. But it doesn't actually go away.
I've tried to consider that it might be something else but in reality my symptoms fit to a T.
Help? Ideas?

06-12-2011, 01:34 PM
I know how that feels. When you say shortness of breath are you referring to when you can't seem to take a full breath? Because for me, it seems like that's the case whenever I am consciously thinking about it. And when you are having anxiety about it, it seems you can't get it off your mind. You're breathing will probably return to normal as soon as you are able to stop thinking about it. Easier said than done. ;)

Itz Omi
06-12-2011, 02:08 PM
The meds you are talking about, are they anti-anxiety, or to help you breathe better? If not the latter, did you speak to him about this symptom in particular?

I know people complain about not being able to take a full breath. I have had that happen to me on occasion, but it would just be random.

It's hard to say, but if you already have anxiety, and then the breathing issues showed up, then it may be anxiety.

06-13-2011, 05:36 PM
Well I already replied but it never took! Grrrrrrr! Round 2*
I'm taking Clonazepam (.5 mg 2x/day) & Also taking Asthmanex (which I normally wouldn't use because I only have "reactive airways") but lately about every other day I use my inhaler. I try to avoid it at all costs but it just gets too bad sometimes and I have to give in.
I really can't tell if I got the anxiety from the breathing issues or if it came with the anxiety because I had RAI in March due to Graves disease hyperthyroid issues. It's a hot mess right now Lol! So right now it could be the anxiety, hyperthyroid, reactive airways/ asthma or worse and hopefully not a heart issue from my Graves. Luckily I have an appt with GP for follow up on the breathing and anxiety tomorrow. Maybe we'll dig a little deeper into that. I also have a consultation with a cardiologist on Wednesday to make sure the ol' ticker is working just fine. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully it's only anxiety.... Maybe then I can conquer this!

Itz Omi
06-13-2011, 09:42 PM
What is RAI?

It sounds like you already have a few issues going on, which could be making your anxiety worse, which could be making your issues worse! It's so hard, but if you could get your anxiety under control, you'd be better off physically. Easier said than done!!!!

Good luck, and I prayed for you and am sending you some "positive energy"! :)

06-15-2011, 04:05 PM
Well to the first question RAI = Radioactive Iodine treatment to get rid of all or part of your thyroid because it's overactive. In my case Graves disease.

And to the 2nd question. I've had Graves disease for years and oddly enough.....No it was never brought up. Now that I suddenly seem to have acquired this lovely symptom my Dr seemed to mention that he felt it was valid and I should get it checked out by another Dr. Geeeeee thanks Doc!