View Full Version : Anxiety or MS,ALS,etc etc?

06-09-2011, 02:45 PM
sorry if this is a bit irratic, I am pretty much at my wit's end.

I have been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and depression all that good stuff.

I have been on prozac for years and valium as needed.

Up until month or so ago, I had felt as if i was doing great, not many symptoms at all.

Suddenly everything changed. I developed what I thought was either a bladder infection or a pulled muscle in my lower back and went on 2 rounds of antibiotics and muscle relaxers. That seems to have cleared up and I have been off both for a month. During this time I didn't take any prozac, (supposed to take 20mg daily) so basically I went a month without it...It was probably a foolish mistake and may play some part in what I am currently experiencing.

Now, for some reason I am experiencing a lot of jerkiness. Twitches all over my body from my mouth, eye lids, and limbs. Also sometimes my heart will pound so hard I can see it in my stomach and feel it in my fingertips.

I have been assured that the antibiotics and muscle relaxers would have left my system by now and it couldn't be caused from that so, I just don't know. I have restarted the prozac and have been on it for 2 weeks now. I also have an appointment with a psychiatrist next week to see if I need to do something else, medication wise.

I have convinced myself I have MS or ALS. Because, (of course) it seems to fit all the symptoms. It seems like the more I think about it, the worse it gets.

I can't hold still, nor hold my hands still, everything is jerky and shaky. It's a pain to even apply pressure to something, like squeezing toothpaste. I also find myself grinding my teeth, and having moments of erratic laughter then split second thoughts of "wow, I would like to die", but I think that thought came from me obsessing over the idea if I did have ms or als, I wouldn't want to live.
Then again, I also haven't been able to work out the past few months due to the illness, so maybe it's something to do with that.

I am just confused and erratic and wondering if anything has experienced anything similar to this, be it from prozac withdraw,general anxiety etc etc.

Even rereading this, it comes off so..irrational.


06-09-2011, 02:55 PM
Well I'll tell you this. When my anxiety gets bad, I get lots of twitching. My legs will twitch, my face muscles, and my fingers. I think it comes from the territory of high levels of anxiety. I don't think you have anything to worry about :)