View Full Version : Anxiety affecting my feelings for my boyfriend

11-01-2006, 03:05 PM
Anxiety and relationships always seem to go hand and hand with me. Anyway, I've been dating my boyfriend for over a year now. We are very compatable, communicate well (he knows all about my anxiety), laugh a lot, ect. Just two weeks ago I was deeply in love with him. However, my classes have been really tough this term and triggered some severe stress and anxiety. Ever since, my loving feelings have disappeared and I feel uncomfortable and anxious around him. Now I feel guilt for feeling this way. I'm so confused because one minute I'm in love and the next I want to run away. This makes no sense. Help! Has any one else experienced this before?

11-03-2006, 05:09 AM
definently... When anxiety first hit me (err panic attacks i should say) it seemed worse when I was with my girlfriend.. but also seemed even worse without my girlfriend.. lose lose situation. :?

it seems at times my anxiety will develop on an idea... like for example suddenly a familiar place will invoke anxiety in me and I have to avoid it. Same can happen with people.

perhaps your boyfriend is not understanding what your going through and its turning you off...

but I can say i stuck it out and its been two years and I no longer have anxiety being with my girlfriend... even live with her now.

follow your gut, but dont let anxiety force you to make hasty decisions like cutting people out of your life that you care about. Unless its for the best.

Hopefully things start to ease up for you.