View Full Version : maybe someone can help

06-09-2011, 02:09 PM
hello i just went to the doctors becuase i thought i was having anxiety attacks he said i was and give me medcine but on a side not ive missed alot of work so i told my boss what was going on and she seemed like she just wanted to make sure i was ok and come to find out she was at work talking about my disorder to other people i work with so i called her boss and he said he would take care of it. So i didnt hear anything from that and coudnt bring my self to go to work. So now i wanted to know if there is any where i can call to turn them in so i can get some unemployment or something until i can find a different job

06-09-2011, 03:04 PM
To my knowledge you can't collect unemployment unless you are fired depending on the circumstances. My suggestion would be to face your workplace. You may feel alienated or as if everyone is staring at you. But just remember that EVERYONE has their own disorders. It may feel like we are the only ones sometimes, but we aren't :) Do your best to take control of your anxiety, and force yourself to overcome situation that seem impossible. You have the ability, it's taking action that's the hard part. But you can do it.

06-10-2011, 12:36 AM
ive had problems with one of my workplaces in the past- the managers were really nasty about my anxiety and basically didnt believe that i was telling the truth about having one. pfft- if only! anyway...basically i spoke to my doctor about the way i was being treated and told the doc how it was making my situation sooo much worse and explained the dread i was feeling every morning before work. She gave me a certificate for a week off, in that time i looked for other jobs, relaxed and thought about the situation. i decided that i didnt care what anyone thought of me, pulled my ass out of bed the next week and strutted in there as if nothing ever happened. they went along with it and it made life at work easier until i finally found a new workplace where i felt more comfortable :)