View Full Version : New to Anxiety- HELP? Suggestion?

06-09-2011, 12:00 PM
Well sorry to say that I'm here but I'm looking forward to getting this all worked out and evenutally helping others. I recently was put on 1 mg of Clonazepam (1/2 tablet every 12 hours) because I'm having all of the symptoms of anxiety (trouble breathing like I can't get a sufficient breath that NEVER goes away (for 2 weeks now), occasional rapid heart rate, tingling on hands and lower legs/feet and around mouth if it gets really bad, weakness in my arms and legs). I thought this was due to my thyroid which is a little hyper right now but I'm just not sure what's going on anymore. The breathing thing seems to be the worst though. It's constantly on my mind. When I take the pill I relax a little but 4 hours later I'm right back to where I started.

I need something else to get past this. I'm open to anything and everything because I don't really even know how this works yet. I need to learn to deal with this and how to cope because I refuse to let it get the best of me.

06-09-2011, 02:05 PM
Have you tried any deep breathing exercises to help consciously regulate your breathing? Take your clonazepam, get calmed down and try it. It is easier to do it when you are calm. When you get good at it you can do it anytime.

Try this simple one.


06-10-2011, 12:32 AM
I personally find that when my anxiety is getting the better of me and im starting to obsess over something- in your case your breathing (my thing used to be my heart rate) that i needed to distract myself from the thoughts.
I have a puppy so taking her outside and playing with her helped- anything really- that until your medication can really set in or until you have seen a psyc to get some of your own coping techniques and strategies that will take your mind off it.
maybe even get engrossed in some of these forums? read up and it might take your thoughts away?