View Full Version : depersonaliztion limbs strange thoughts

06-09-2011, 02:29 AM
Alright to start my sleeping has been really off like sleep at 4am and waking up at like 1pm my eating hasn't been great either. Alright last night I was laying down to sleep I closed my eyes and had a vision of my hand like shooting a laser beam or something but anyway I laid on my stomach and let my arm drop of the bed it fel like it wasn't mine and it got me worried then allol of the audden I started thinking I had magical powers in my right arm that still dosent feela lke it doesn't belong to me I know the thought is stupid but I can't get out of my head I have a fear that I'm actually going to believe I have super powers. As I read that it isn't a uncommon. Theme. For a paychotic delusion I know its ridiculous and it makes me angry that I can't shake it. Has anyone welse had similar fears

06-09-2011, 07:43 AM
I would say the best way to deal with this is to talk to a doctor about it because it's something I haven't personally heard about.

As far as the sleeping goes I think that's pretty normal, at least it is to me because I have pretty weird sleeping patterns and know a lot of people with really weird sleeping patterns. So I wouldn't worry about that part of it...

06-09-2011, 12:53 PM
Well I know that its an anxiety driven thought because I understand how ridiculous it is I have had way weirder thoughts than this but the reason it caused me concern is I have never heard of it either I mean all the other thoughts I have had I researched and made sure they where just from anxiety I know people have had fears of thinking they had magical powers and I know people can feel like there limbs don't belong to them. And the visualization when I close my eyes are normal part of anxiety I know all of this but still can't shake this irrational fear.

06-10-2011, 10:06 PM
Your ok fella, I used to post on here every now and again and I remember seeing you. I have thoughts from time to time. philosophy is my main struggle. But i have had thoughts like "my hand has a mind of its own" or when i was playing video games I would think "what if the character is conscious just like me" things like that. Dude...it's fine, I am stable I dont even take medication anymore. It gets better I promise. I hope you are doing better than before, because you seemed like you were going through hell a few months ago. Stay strong

06-11-2011, 04:36 AM
Yeah I was doing a lot better but a lot has been going on. My friends went from smoking pot to cocaine and pills it was like flicking a light switch and out of nowwhere all of them are doing it I try to help but it doesn't do any good. I don't use drugs at all I drink like one beer when I hang out. Its like my whole life is falling apart and I can't stop it

jon mike
07-27-2011, 07:53 AM
Hey man I did a thread ages ago, I know exactly how it feels it's really strange but nothing really , check out my thread, Jon
