View Full Version : I Hope We Can Help Each Other :)

06-08-2011, 12:09 AM
Where do I start? I'll try to make this as short as possible :P. My name is Sara and I believe I've been suffering from anxiety since late 2008.

I sometimes experience overwhelming feelings of fear, anxiousness and paranoia, when I explained this to my counselor back in high school he suggested that General Anxiety Disorder might be the problem however I never ended up getting diagnosed by a doctor.

So here I am 3 years later and I've handled the situation all on my own, I've made my own stress-relieving routines for when I panic etc. and I've made amazing progress to the point where it was (although still present) no longer inhibiting my ability to enjoy life.

But I've recently been feeling really paranoid about my health. See I have a kind of phobia of death; I can't stand hospitals, graveyards or funerals, I don't mourn properly, death and dying are things I think about constantly.

This, coupled with the fact that I'm not the healthiest person, just plain freaks the crap out of me when it comes to health. Basically I'm scared to die, scared to get gravely sick, scared of contracting disease etc. I'm sure from that you can guess I'm a germaphobe XD.

The only thing that calms my nerves is talking to my boyfriend, he's sympathetic and his voice soothes me and makes me forget about all my worries. But what I've just realized is that he'll never really understand how SCARED I actually am. He's asked me to explain it but, I just can't, it's INEXPLICABLE to someone who hasn't experienced it.
Also, he has his own issues. Even though he tells me he wants me to talk about it, I'd rather just give him a break and not have to worry about me.

TLDR; So in a nutshell I'm here because I need a bigger safety net. I need people who know what I'm talking about when I say "I'm freaking out and I think I'm dying" and how to respond to that instead of just saying "You're fine don't worry" I need advice on how to deal and in return I will be compassionate and caring to you all :) I'm hoping we can all help each other out with our internal crisis'<3

Thanks so much for listening to lil' ol' me :P <3